Dina Garcia

Dina Garcia
After healing her relationship with food and reversing her pre-diabetes, Dina Garcia has developed a true passion for helping others live the happy, healthy lives they deserve, free from preoccupations with food and body image. As a dietitian-nutritionist, mindful eating coach, and founder of Vida Nutrition and Conscious Living, she is all about helping her clients ditch diets, build a healthy relationship with food and find practical solutions that make healthy eating DO-able. She’s constantly juggling motherhood and entrepreneurship but enjoys the flexibility that being her own boss provides her family. Dina has been featured in CBS Miami, Bustle, Self, Women’s Health, Livestrong, Thrillest, Simple Most, Business News Daily and more. She completed her undergraduate degree in dietetics in 2005 at Ball State University, then her supervised practice in 2006 at California State University, Fresno. You can follow Dina here: IG: instagram.com/dietitiandina FB: facebook.com/myvidanutrition blog: vidanutrition.com/blog
Image of woman practicing meditation

Healthy Habits Without the Hype

With diet culture all around us, it’s no wonder that developing healthy habits is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions.  Body shapes are getting trendier and trendier (insert eye roll). What we are...
A family gathering around a holiday meal

Savor (and Destress) This Holiday Season

The holiday season is such a magical time. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year’s, and more--they all have special meanings. But the holiday season also comes with more social events, more cooking, more planning, prepping...
Image: A group of employees at a black-owned restaurant (Miami Eats and Treats: Support Local Black Owned Restaurants Dina Garcia Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

Miami Eats and Treats: Support Local Black-Owned Restaurants

One of the best ways to give your support to marginalized individuals is through financial support. As an entrepreneur myself, I can't think of a better way to do that than by directly supporting...
A little girl riding on a carousel at a theme park

5 Healthy Hacks for Theme Park Trips

Summer is here and theme parks are booming. Here are some easy hacks that will honor your health and your happiness on your next trip to a theme park. Stay well hydrated Whether it is summertime...
An example of a vision board

Vision Boards: 6 Steps to Creating One That Rocks

What you focus on grows!!! Vision boards are a great way to focus day in and day out on the things we want to grow.  Motivation is something that doesn’t last. We often need our motivation...
A pile of rocks stacked on the shore

A Simple Game Plan for National Wellness Month

August is National Wellness Month. Summer is coming to a close and the busy school year is about to start.  It might seem like the worst time to start building new habits but it’s...
A woman in a brightly colored dress, giving herself a hug

Radical Self-Love: Loving Yourself Deeply

The best way I can explain radical self-love for myself would be to love myself as deeply as I love my children. Radical self-love means forgiving ourselves and knowing we are loveable and deserving, even...
A woman eating a bowl of ramen noodles

What To Do If You Can’t Stop Eating

Motherhood can be quite unpredictable. Some days we feel like a total rockstar and other days it can feel like we are dropping every ball that comes our way. Finding time and energy to...
Image: Dina's Caprese bowl (PF3® Caprese Bowl Dina Garcia Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

PF3® Caprese Bowl

You are really going to enjoy the ease and flavor of this colorful Caprese bowl lunch dish.   One cornerstone of consistently eating healthy is to have satisfying meals on a regular basis.  I define a...
Image: A plate of whole, healthy foods (Eat Healthy: The Biggest Mistake Most People Make Dina Garcia Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

Eat Healthy: The Biggest Mistake Most People Make

Being a mom is a lot of work. (Read that again because it deserves to be said twice). Balancing work, kids, housework, and relationships doesn’t leave much room for self-care. While we’re busy taking...