Kristin Parke
The Long Wait to Become a Mom
Can you imagine waiting 25 years to become a mom?
There was a couple in the Bible that waited a very long time to see a promise fulfilled - to become mom and dad. This...
The Marathon of Motherhood
I love sprinting but I have yet to fall in love with running. My husband who played soccer most of his life, however, is a natural runner. I, however, have to repeatedly push myself,...
Transitions: Processing Life’s Big Changes
The last two years have been full of interruptions and changes - all across the world. There is no question about it. Some of the interruptions in life are inconvenient and painful, while some...
6 Tips for the Fourth Trimester
The first three months after having a baby is what has become known as the “fourth trimester.” While this description is largely geared towards the baby, it is helpful to consider how the first...
Blessings of 2021: A Season Not Wasted
Like so many others this time last year, I really hoped 2021 would usher in a more normal and all-around better year, like those pre-2020.
Right before the Covid-19 pandemic began, a driving thought permeated...
Single Mom: Loving for Two
Full disclosure: I am not a single mother. I was however raised by a single mother and as a contributor to Miami Mom Collective, I wanted to begin this adventure honoring single moms.
Single mom:...
To Parent in a Broken World
How do we parent well when we feel the weight of what looks like the world falling apart around us? The news has been extra hard to watch these days and because we hold...
Choosing Joy and Enjoying the Chaos
Chaos can bring disorder and confusion which can suffocate joy. Thinking of my own experience and talking with friends, I realized how delicate and often tough the adjustment period is for new moms.
After having...
An Open Letter to Non-Birth Moms
To the foster mom, grandma, step-mom, adoptive mom, god mom, mom who opened their home after school with the really good snacks, and mom-like figures: you are making an important imprint on the lives...
Miami Mom Collective Welcomes MIA Mom Kristin Parke
Miami mamas! 👋 My name is Kristin Parke and I am thrilled to be part of this super special community as a Miami Mom Collective (MMC) Contributor!
I am a South Florida native that loves...