To work out or not to work out, that is the question? I can’t tell you the number of clients I deal with that have no desire to workout, yet force themselves to do something they hate. This leads to frustration, and a complete STOP, for their workout habits.
My goal today is to break this down to the simplest form so that you can clearly see how easy it is to keep your workout habits going. Let’s start off with the American College of Sports Medicine, they stated that we only need 150-300 minutes of activity per week.
Take a deep breath, this number is smaller than you think, just continue reading.
They defined activity as anything that increased your heart rate and made you sweat. They also added that you needed to lift heavy things. Please take your mind out of the gutter, this could mean so many other things as well.
Oh, wait, one more thing… They also stated that the minutes didn’t need to be consecutive.
This, my friends, is your GOLDEN TICKET, and mine as well!
After becoming a fitness professional over 30 years ago, do you think I work out every minute of the day? No way, but I do live my life a bit differently. Here are my top five tips for fitting in workout habits, painlessly:
1. Put a pep in your step.
If you’re walking to the car, walk faster. Going up the stairs, get a move on. Vacuuming the house, jam to your favorite tunes, and MOVE! These little bouts of activity can help you add up the minutes of your week. Not to mention, when you add some pep, you pump up the heart and kick on the metabolism. If you’re not familiar with the metabolism, it’s that “thing” that helps to burn extra calories doing normal activities. It only turns on with food or exercise, making these small bouts of activity that much more powerful.
2. Stop looking for “rock star parking.”
Relish that parking spot on the other side of the building and get a move on. Change your perspective from “Ugh, this is too far” to “Let’s rake in those minutes and burn some calories.”
3. Take any opportunity you can to lift heavy things.
This is your weight training. Muscles burn more calories throughout the day than fat does. The more muscle you have on your body, the more efficient you are with calories. Here’s where carrying in the groceries or any Amazon delivery, can boost your strength. I realize it’s nice when someone offers to help, but that doesn’t help your muscles. So choose what’s important to you… I choose muscles and strength!
4. Take any opportunity to PLAY with your kids.
Run, kick, jump. Who said you were too old? Are you letting laziness take over? I realize this mom thing is hard work, I get it, I have two of my own. The more you move your body with intention, the more energy you will have, and the more you will accomplish throughout the day, I promise. Get out there and create a fun bonding moment with the kids. These are memories they will cherish, and these are minutes of your workout that will make a difference.
5. Create movement moments.
As moms, we get inundated with so much on the “to-do” list. Unfortunately, this takes away from time for ourselves. Bringing in these movement moments can help both your mind and body. When I started in fitness, I would tell my clients that they NEEDED 60 minutes of workout time to make it count. Boy, was I wrong! Now, just a few reps of an exercise can count towards your minutes. What about getting in a set of crunches before you get out of bed? Then add in some lunges and squats while you brush your teeth. These are great additions to get you ready for your day and take less than 5 minutes of time.
No longer do you have to have a structured workout regime to make a difference with your body. These small bouts can create even better results if they are done with intention. If working out is not your thing, this is a great way to blend fitness into your day. On another note, if working out is your thing, but you are limited with time, here’s a great replacement to hold you over. Either way, it’s a win-win.
P.S. Remember when I told you to get your head out of the gutter? Those minutes count as well 🙂
With love, peace, and happiness!
Updated January 2024