Library Card Sign-Up Month: So Much to Check Out


September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, which reminds me of when our kids registered for their first cards. Here’s a picture of my son’s first order to pick up, when they arrived 24 hours after he placed a hold because what he was looking for wasn’t onsite at the time. This was years ago when he was three years old, yet our relationship with the library has only grown since then. Our librarians now know the kids by name, what they enjoy reading and even notice when life gets busy and we haven’t visited in a while.

Lipson Cohen Library Card Sign Up Month
My three-year-old’s first library order

We are a library family.

  • Stopping by to browse or on a mission to find something by name.
  • Sometimes to take home, sometimes just to flip the pages, sometimes to bide the time between activities.
  • Ordering online to pick up or to request a home delivery.
  • Attending a class to learn something new or an event to enlighten (ok, honestly, occupy) little ones.
  • Setting up a space to work with a change of scenery. (This is for all ages: those who have careers in school and those who have careers.)
  • Listening on our devices while driving or cleaning our rooms or watching the iguanas run through the rain while we’re safe and dry indoors.
  • Printing or photocopying when we’ve got a tech glitch at home and that poster project is due tomorrow!
  • Joyful upon finally receiving our book after being #146 on the waitlist (even when we forgot we had ever placed that hold!).
  • Donating our own gently used books to share with new readers.

Image: Children read books at a local library

Free Resources for Your Family

Visit your local library, sign up for your card, and take in all that’s available for your family. Beyond print and audiobooks and magazines, the library offers free homework tutoring, museum passes, music streaming, devices and equipment, movies, classes, events, community, and more. Even passport services to avoid the hassle of long lines! 

In every way, there’s so much to check out.

ANYTIME is a great time to sign up for a library card. If you haven’t already, stop by your local MDPLS branch and get yours today. You’ll be glad you did!