Co-Sleeping: How to Get Your Kids Out of Your Bed


Co-sleeping. One simple word that brings on a slew of emotions from moms, dads, and opinionated family members. I said I would NEVER co-sleep. I had the perfect baby room. His name was on the wall and his crib was ready next to a comfy rocking chair.

Fast forward to a nursing-obsessed newborn paired with a sleep-deprived mama and guess what? All of a sudden, I had a baby in my bed. Every month I would say, “Now is the time.” The time came and went and so did the years. I would say, “He is so yummy, I want to cuddle and enjoy.” I never knew how or when to transition him to his own bedroom. When my son was 2 and a half, my daughter was born.

Mom sleeping with her baby and dog

I am guessing you can imagine what happened.

Once again, I swore I would not have a baby in my bed, Once again, I would fall asleep with a hungry newborn and now I was co-sleeping with TWO kids in my bed. I eventually threw my hands up and waved the white flag. I gave in, bought a king bed, and figured I would be sleeping with kids forever. The problem with little kids is that they become big kids. Their flailing legs and arms kick you right as you are falling into your deepest sleep.

My kids are now 4 and 6.5. Although my heart wants to keep them tucked in with me, my body needs to sleep. I woke up one morning and rearranged the bedrooms. I bought them each beautiful character-filled comforters and plug-in night lights. They walked in with such joy and my son said, “I love it 100%.” This was the night. They were going to sleep in their own beds and I would sleep in mine. I tucked them in, gave them a kiss, and said goodnight.

My Babies Were Growing Up

As I crawled into bed, I felt a sense of sadness. My babies were growing up and so was I. So I texted my mom and sister, “They are in their room. I did it and I am freaking out.” I had barely pressed SEND when I heard little feet running towards my room. They both jumped into my bed and said they tried but it was too dark. I asked them to please go back and try again. They said, “We need you,” and secretly I needed them too.

As I write this, it’s been a few days and I am waiting for the Amazon truck to come and deliver a projector night light. Maybe that will do the trick. So how do you get your kids out of your bed? I have no idea. Don’t ask me. Comment below if you have any tips and tricks to help a mama out!


  1. If you figure it out let me know!! My own little guy slept in his own bed next to me for the 1st year. He spent his second year in his crib in his own room. As soon as we converted his bed to a toddler bed, he moved himself into my bed and never left. I have the same sad feelings any time I think of transitioning him back to his own room. It just works for us. We both sleep well and for now we both fit in the bed. He is getting bigger though. We will need to transition soon, but it is so hard.

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