I have been a parent for 21 years. I have been there, done that when it comes to most stages of parenting and driving children from point A to point B in a safe, timely manner. And most importantly, staying sane as a driver.

We all start with the terrifying infant seat.
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I don’t think anyone forgets the first time we are trusted to put this tiny precious infant in this plastic contraption that promises to keep them safe. Can you relate? I remember the transition from rear facing to forward facing. Making sure the chest strap is just right, at chest height of course! Here is an article all about how to put a baby into a car seat.
Then the transition from the beloved child seat to the booster seat.
That is when things get interesting! Do you let them ride to a playdate with another mom? Which seat do you send them with? Do you get an extra seat just for friends and playdates? I actually have really great memories of this stage. It was all about the music of course! Rafi–all the volumes and books on audio. Ahh, good times!
Then they graduate to elementary school.
There you drop off and if you are lucky enough to be able to walk them into the school you get to park and walk every day. Yeah, right?! Most schools have two options. Drive-up and walk-up. To be honest here when my kiddos were younger kinder and first grade I would have NEVER dropped them off. I had to see them safely to the classroom, personally handing off safety and security issues to the classroom teacher. But then I had a baby #3. Suddenly, I gave up on walking them to the classroom door and entrusted their safety and security to the staff at the drop-off point. Parking, unloading children and a baby, walking in the Florida heat a whole 2 blocks, then returning and putting the baby back in the infant seat all before 8am was all too much. I chose a simpler option that was safe and secure. Instead of dreading the drop-off this adjustment allowed me to be present and enjoy the drive, play animal ABC or sing along to Radio Disney.
By the time they reach middle and high school you have this routine down pat.

Whether you drive them, they go with a carpool, take a bus or walk. In my case, I depend heavily on a neighborhood carpool. My drive is on Thursday. This particular all-boy carpool has been going strong for about 8 years!! Way back in 2011, this carpool looked very different. There were shenanigans, requests for music, sleeping, food (lots of hungry children through the years). Now, it looks quite different. All the boys, sometimes it is 7 boys, have headsets or air pods attached to their head. You know what that means–silence! Ahh–I love silence! Though I have to admit I sometimes wish they would chat with me. Then one day it happened! I guess this poor boy left his earbuds at home and started to chat away. Needless to say, I was not used to this distraction. I missed the school exit! True story! I value this stage of carpool because I know what comes next.
They drive. Yes. While them driving frees up so much time, actually doing it is a big transition into adulthood.
I can happily say I have been present and have (mostly) enjoyed all stages of carpooling and driving children. Yes, even when they drive themselves to school. Yes, even when they don’t talk to me. So whatever stage you are in mamas–be present, be grateful and know that driving children is part of the parenting journey we are all on together no matter what stage.
Editor’s Note: If you are looking for current car seat/booster guidelines and vehicle safety information, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website is an excellent resource.