Skiddies: The Potty Training Supply Moms Will Love



Local moms have found a way to help with one of those annoying little problems that kids experience as they get bigger.  We are talking about ‘skidmarks’ in the underwear. If you have potty trained a toddler in your lifetime, you know well what we are talking about! 

When kids grow out of diapers and pull-ups but haven’t quite got the hang of wiping they sometimes leave those infamous ‘skidmarks’ in their underwear.  As Moms, we don’t want our growing-in-confidence kids to revert back to pull-ups but, if we are honest, we wish we could take care of this pesky little problem! Allow us to introduce you to: Skiddies!

SKIDDIES is a small piece of soft, 100% cotton. It’s about the size of your hand and the ‘sticky’ on the back attaches to the inside of underwear to catch any accidents or skidmarks.  When skidmarks appear, just peel off the SKIDDIE, dispose of it, and apply a new one.  Easy!  

Skiddies: The Potty Training Supply Moms Will Love Miami Mom CollectiveCheck out the SKIDDIES website

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 to see a video about how they work. You can even request a free sample package so you can try them out!


Skiddies have been the underpants super hero in my household lately! My daughter is in the middle of potty training and she is at the stage where she understands how to let me know when she needs to go #1, but neglects to tell me when it’s time to go #2.
After using Skiddies, I don’t dread these accidents so much because all I have to do is “peel” the stain right off, give the undies a quick rinse, and throw them in the washer.
Skiddies have not only saved underwear but also saved this Momma from having to hand wash those dirty underpants! I’m a busy mom, so I’ll take all the mom hacks I can get! – Ailyn, Mom of 2



Hello Skiddies!  I just wanted to thank you and tell you what a difference your product has made for my family.  My son has struggled with pooping & cleaning himself.   Using Skiddies has allowed him to be able to wear underwear and allow me to take him out and fix the problem in a much easier, cleaner way.  Now we are not throwing out or hand washing so many messy undies.  I truly think you have an untapped market with your product!  


We love your product! This is a game-changer for my son! With Skiddies he doesn’t have to wear pull ups now. These allow him to wear real underwear without bulk or noise from pull ups. I prepare beforehand and put in his underwear drawer and he gets them out like “normal.”  He now even gets to stay nights with a friend with this kind of freedom. It makes playing sports much more comfortable. His confidence has risen! Thank you! Gift from Heaven!


Hello, I’m contacting you from England. I have been looking for a product to save my daughter’s knickers from soiling, staining and having to be thrown away. I came across your product while doing an internet search (it appears to be the only one of its kind I can find) and it looks like just the thing I’ve been looking for. We’ve tried them and they work great! 


Hello! I am a very happy and repeat Skiddies customer. I just want to thank you for your wonderful product.  It’s made such a difference in my daughter’s life.


Skiddies have been a really great help for my 7 year old.  At times he expels small pieces of ‘poo’, and when he has an accident at school he can just take the Skiddie out and put in another one.  He doesn’t have to worry about soiled underwear and it has really helped his esteem. 


I got these for my 4 year old that leaks small amounts of poop a few times a day. Until now we’ve been using panty liners because she refuses to wear pull-ups. Now we’ve found Skiddies and they cover a wider area and the thinness of the fabric makes it so she doesn’t even notice.  


Love this product! It has given my daughter a whole new level of confidence and freedom. This product gets her out of pull-ups and into regular underwear.   No bulky noisy pull ups! Love!

Skiddies: The Potty Training Supply Moms Will Love Miami Mom Collective To learn more or order, visit the SKIDDIES website!

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Cierra is the Owner & Founder of Miami Mom Collective. A Southern girl with Alabama roots, she has lived in California, Israel, China, Texas and Florida. Cierra quickly fell in love with the beauty and diversity of South Florida when she first visited Key Biscayne after reconnecting with (and later marrying!) her high school sweetheart. Before having children of her own, she oversaw more than 100 as the Director of Key Biscayne Presbyterian School. In 2017 she launched into her latest and greatest adventure: motherhood! Cierra is Mama to a joyful 5 year girl, an energetic 3 year old boy, snuggly 1 year old boy, and a smiley baby girl! Her hands and heart are FULL to say the least! Cierra is passionate about leading and developing women to use their unique gifts to serve and encourage others. She founded Miami Mom Collective to encourage, equip, and empower Moms with relevant resources and a meaningful community. Follow her on Instagram to stay connected.