
Becky is a Miami native, and has lived here all of her life. Married to her husband for over 20 years, they lead a very active lifestyle along with their three teenagers and Riley, their rescue dog. Becky loves to teach, and has had the awesome privilege of home educating her children for over twelve years. When not teaching academics, Becky loves to equip, encourage, and empower women through the teaching of her group fitness classes. Becky and her husband lead various ministries, and their family loves to serve the community through the countless opportunities provided over the past twenty years+ in their local church. She enjoys filling her "free" time with reading, writing, watching movies, and just spending time with the family. Becky has a passion for living her life with grit and grace, and encouraging others to do the same. You can find her at Substack to stay connected.
Image: Pink and white tulips against a blue sky

Women’s Day: Being the Woman You Were Created to Be

Women's Day March 8th is International Women's Day. I know what you're thinking: Isn't every day women's day? Well yes, but we also have a specific day each year to commemorate it.  Since 1909, Women's...
Image: A list of names engraved at the September 11th Memorial

Remembering September 11th

Remembering September 11th means different things to different people. My memory isn't what it used to be. I'm sure that sounds like such an "older person" thing to say, but it's true. Certain things just...
Image: A wooden block calendar that reads June 19

Liberty and Justice for All: Why Should I Care About Juneteenth?

Why should I care about something that happened so long ago? I'm not a person of color. I'm not a descendant of the formerly enslaved. Why should I care about Juneteenth?  "History, despite its wrenching...
Image: Letter tiles that read "Mental Health Matters" (Mental Illness Awareness Week: Breaking the Stigma Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

Mental Illness Awareness Week: Breaking the Stigma

Mental illness. What comes to mind #punintended when hearing those words might be a fairly accurate indicator of what level of mental illness awareness you actually have.  "What mental health needs is more sunlight, more...
Two eggs with sad faces drawn onto them (An Open Letter to Moms Who Hate Cooking Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

An Open Letter to Moms Who Hate Cooking

Okay, maybe you aren't a mom who hates cooking. Loathe? Strongly dislike? Maybe your feelings resemble mine, and are best summed up with "I'd really rather not." Wherever you find yourself on this spectrum,...
A group of teens talking (National Teen Self-Esteem Month: Ways to Build Your Teen's Self-Esteem Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

National Teen Self-Esteem Month: Ways to Build Your Teen’s Self-Esteem

May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month. Thinking about self-esteem makes me think about Fred Rogers. "I hope you're able to grow to respect whoever you are inside." Fred Rogers  Anyone else watch Mister Rogers' Neighborhood as...
"Unplug to Recharge" (The Benefits of a Social Media Detox Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

The Benefits of a Social Media Detox

How much time do you spend on social media? Before we consider the benefits of a social media detox, it's helpful to start from a foundation of knowing how much time we're actually devoting to...
A couple holding hands and going for a walk (Creative Date Night Ideas on a Budget Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

Creative Date Night Ideas on a Budget

When was the last time you had a "date night"? If it's been a hot minute, have finances been to blame? Dating each other was how my husband and I learned that we wanted...
Financial Peace in Pieces: Have You Ever Felt That Way? Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Mom Collective

Financial Peace in Pieces: Have You Ever Felt That Way?

Talking openly about finances is almost as taboo as discussing sex, religion, or politics. For anyone else feeling alone and filled with doubt in the midst of struggle--financial, or otherwise--here's my story. An open...
Good Grief: Sitting With Sadness During the Holidays Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Mom Collective

Good Grief: Sitting With Sadness During the Holidays

I'm sure most of us would agree that the opposite of happiness is sadness. Why on earth would I want to sit with that? Sitting with grief, especially during the holidays. I mean, hello,...