Welcome to the *free* Miami Mom Collective community calendar! This is a one-stop spot for our readers to check out all that is happening in Miami and surrounding areas. From date night ideas to family outings, each month features events our readers want to attend.
Note: We do not allow recurring events lasting more than seven days. If you would like more information about promoting your event to Miami Mom Collective readers, please contact [email protected]
El Miramar Cultural Center presenta….. ¡Noche Urbana!
Únete a nosotros para disfrutar de una noche de electrizante reggaetón y música urbana, con los renombrados artistas “El Micha” “Dale Putiti, “Jay Maly” y Dj “Mr.Vla”; ¡y otros invitados especiales! Baila toda la noche al compás del Ritmo Latino.
Viernes, 14 de marzo | 8 P.M.
Miramar Cultural Center
2400 Civic Center Place, Miramar FL 33025
Entrada: $20, $30, $40
Consigue tu entrada en: Miramarculturalcenter.org