“Land of the free because of the brave.”
The author of this quote is unknown. Memorial Day is typically when I see these words everywhere, and so I’ve come to associate the words with the day. These words, along with the day, always make me feel a bit nostalgic.
Thinking about my grandfather always makes me a bit nostalgic too. One of the few strong and positive male figures I had growing up, my abuelo (grandfather in Spanish) was such an integral part of my life. It was that way my entire life. He passed away nearly ten years ago at the age of 93.
My grandpa fled to the United States from Cuba in 1962. We won’t go into the details in this post as to why he was forced to flee. Those that are familiar with history and Cuba will have an inkling as to why. He fled to the land of the free, and I believe he did it because he was so incredibly brave.
In addition to being a strong and courageous man, my grandfather loved gardening. His green thumb was celebrated by all who knew him. As long as I can remember, he had a beautifully majestic bougainvillea plant towering over the front entrance of his driveway. It’s why we have one growing in our side courtyard today: in honor of him. I find myself thinking of him whenever I catch a glimpse of that blooming beauty outside our sliding glass door.
Symbolic Perspective
About two years ago, I happened to glance out at our beautiful bloom through a different window, which provided me with a completely different view. This new perspective included a little flag we have hanging in our schoolroom. Flags are used as decorations, but they are often symbols as well. The American flag symbolizes freedom; freedom purchased at a very high cost. How appropriate that this symbol led my gaze directly to our bougainvillea on that day nearly two years ago. Bougainvilleas are beautiful, but anyone that has had to trim them knows they are thorny. Their beauty comes at a cost: painful thorns. One symbol pointing to another.
Our bougainvillea
bush is a symbol of a man’s love. A man who sacrificed so much and worked so hard to make it to this country so that he and his family could live in freedom. Freedom to work hard, and cultivate beautiful bougainvilleas in his yard if that’s what he chose to do. My grandpa’s bravery led to my family
’s freedom. Freedom for himself, his children, his children’s children, and so on. We’re up to five generations that have been impacted by my abuelo’s bravery. This demonstration of bravery was only possible because of the bravery of those who fought and died for this country. Their bravery made a way for my grandfather’s bravery so many years later. My abuelo’s bravery inspires my bravery, and so the cycle of courage continues.
Full-circle moment.
Forever grateful.
Land of the free and home of the brave according to our national anthem.
Land of the free because of the brave.