Thanks to Binxy Baby for the complimentary product. All opinions are my own.
Life with Two under Two
I recently had my second child and while everyone told me, “The transition from 1 to 2 is challenging!” I had my doubts.
“I’ve done hard things.”
“This should be no problem!”
“How hard can it really be?”
These thoughts filled my mind before the arrival of baby #2. So when our sweet baby boy was born I quickly realized that learning to manage life with 2 under 2 was not for the faint of heart. Each day there are new challenges and I often remind myself of what an older mom once told me, “Little babies, little problems.”
I think she is right. One day I’ll long for the trials of sleep training and 2 year old tantrums when I am trying to navigate parenting a hormonal teenager. In the meantime, I’m utilizing every Mom hack and baby gadget I can find to make this current season of motherhood more manageable.
Grocery Shopping Challenges
As Moms we understand the desperate need to get out of the house, even if it’s just a trip to the grocery store. It’s an opportunity to engage with our kids in a meaningful way and mostly an opportunity to maintain our sanity. Either way, it can prove to be really hard with little kids! Simply getting everyone in and out of the car can be a logistical feat!
I have found that visiting the grocery store can be the most difficult of all “outings.” It’s not like the park where everyone can run wild. The challenge is containing them! I remember my first trip to the grocery store with 2 little ones. Thoughts racing as I pulled into the parking lot…
How do I fit a toddler and an infant carseat in 1 buggy?
Option 1: Push the stroller with 1 hand and the shopping cart with the other? (Moms need more arms.)
Option 2: Stroll the baby and let the toddler walk by herself? (No, just no. For 1,000 obvious reasons.)
Option 3: Wear the infant and push the toddler in the cart? (A possible solution but my little one hates baby wearing. Props to you baby-wearing Mamas.)
Option 4: Go all in and put both kids in the cart.
Option 4 was clearly the no-brainer choice. One of those shining Mom moments when you know you made the wise decision. However, what I did not consider was the fact that toddler + infant + buggy = ZERO room for groceries. By the end of our trip the kids were covered in sandwich meat containers and loose vegetables.
Tell me I am not the only Mom who has ever done this? It’s comical now but it was not a sustainable plan for future outings.
The Solution to Shopping with Babies
You will be happy to know that I no longer cover my children in groceries when we go to the store. That’s because I have discovered the Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock. Yes, you heard that right, a hammock for your baby…in the shopping cart! It’s genius! It was designed by a Mom who probably faced the same dilemma I did.

The Binxy Baby hammock attaches to the shopping cart so your baby is cradled comfortably (above your cart full of sandwich meat containers and sweet potatoes). It fits most standard carts, even the ones at Costco, if you use it on the narrow end of the buggy. It supports up to 50 pounds so you can either buckle your baby in or attach the whole carseat and still have room below for groceries. The hammock rolls up easily to fit in the diaper bag when you’re done. It is designed for babies to use until they are able to sit up on their own. The best news: it’s safety tested!

Moms of little ones, the Binxy Baby is a game changer at the grocery store (read: “long walks through Target.“) It will maximize the time you have to shop because your baby is comfortable and there’s plenty of room for lots of items in the cart. Which could be a dangerous thing for your bank account if you’re shopping at Target!

Indeed life with two under two has it’s unforeseen challenges. However, with the help of the right equipment some things can be made a little easier. I no longer have to dread going to the grocery store with two kids thanks to Binxy Baby!
Have you used a Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock?
We want to know about your experience, tell us in the comments!
Shop Binxy Baby on their website
Find Binxy Baby on Instagram: @shopbinxy