Ashley Rodrigues

Ashley Rodrigues
Ashley Rodrigues is passionate about mental health, holistic wellness, and other mamas! Ashley is a licensed mental health counseling intern in the state of Florida as well as a registered yoga instructor. She provides counseling and psychotherapy to moms in south Florida, specializing in women’s issues, perinatal, postpartum, and anxiety. She also provides trauma informed yoga instruction. Ashley is wife to a Brazilian soccer coach and mom to a strong spirited, tutu loving, toddler girl. She is a recent transplant to Miami from Kansas City, and still finds every excuse to get to the beach. Ashley loves gardening, live music, food, and coffee. She is active on social media and hopes to provide moms practical tools to improve their mental health and wellness. Follow Ashley on instagram @AshleyRodriguesWellness
Why Doesn't My Partner Help? You May Be The Problem Ashley Rodrigues Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Why Doesn’t My Partner Help? You May Be The Problem

Are you frustrated that your partner doesn't help around the house? Do you feel like you do absolutely everything? Let me give you some brutally honest feedback, woman to woman. The problem may be...
Pregnancy Announcement

How to Announce Your Pregnancy

Are you pregnant? Ready to shout it from the mountain tops? Are you scared out of your mind? Both of these feelings are normal. First and foremost, congratulations. This is a time to celebrate...
surviving the princess stage

3 Tips for Surviving the Toddler Princess Obsession

There is a defining moment in womanhood, the moment we look at our childhood princesses in horror. That moment when we realize, "What kind of role models were these princesses?" God bless you Ariel,...
Travel with Toddlers: Tips for Your Family Vacation miami moms blog

Travel with Toddlers: Tips for Your Family Vacation

This blog is coming to you from a mom experiencing a major travel hangover. Yep, travel induced physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can only be caused by one thing: travel with small children....
Mindful Parenting: Tips for Slowing Down and Being More Present Ashley Rodrigues Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Mindful Parenting: Tips for Slowing Down and Being More Present

If you are a mom of a baby or a young child, no doubt a more experienced parent has shared with you their words of wisdom. "Enjoy every moment. Those days go by so...
The Koki Experience: So Much More Than Meal Prep Ashley Rodrigues Contributor Miami Moms Blog

The Koki Experience: In-Home Personal Chef Service

I recently attended a dinner with some of my fellow Miami Moms Blog team members hosted by Koki, an in-home personal chef service. All I really knew about Koki was that it was an...
Miami Moms Blog Welcomes MIA Mom Ashley Rodrigues

Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Ashley Rodrigues

Hi there! My name is Ashley. I am a mom to a strong-willed, ballet obsessed 3-year-old girl and wife to a passionate Brazilian who, you guessed it, loves and coaches soccer. We are so...