Gina Hickey
Homeschool Playlist: For Parents on the Struggle Train
We homeschooled our teenage daughter during 8th grade and it was as amazing as it was challenging. At times I thought I’d have a heart attack. Oftentimes, my heart would explode with happiness. Homeschooling...
Hyperconnected Mom: 3 Practical Steps For Being More Present
I hate to admit it, but I am THAT mom. The hyperconnected one who tells her kids to put their phone down, and then turns around and mindlessly scrolls through Instagram while the water...
New Year, New Attitude of Gratitude (and There’s an App for That)!
As I scrolled through Instagram at the beginning of this milestone year, I came across a meme poking fun at people’s inability to keep New Year’s resolutions. My first thought was, how rude! We...
Your Wired Kids Are Alright: Not All Screen Time is Created Equal
Are your kids in, plugged in to technology and screen time? Not to worry, we can assure you that not all screen time is created equal.
Video Game Addiction?
By now, you have probably...
THE FAMILY IS WIRED. NOW, WHAT? Parenting in the Digital Age
We've decided to not ban all access to technology (at least for now). At times, it's overwhelming. Parenting in the digital age is hard. But, I’ve got some good news. For starters, there is...
Kids Are Wired. Time to Pull the Plug on Technology?
Fortnite. YouTube. Minecraft. Instagram. Tik Tok. Virtual Reality. Secret texting apps. Parenting in today’s wired world is so much fun. Am I right? Actually, it’s super stressful. Instagram is the reason why my 13-year-old...
Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Gina Hickey
Miami--The City I Love
My name is Gina Carriazo Hickey. I was born in Cali, Colombia and moved to Miami the summer before I started second grade. Miami was so different back then. My mom...