Meredith Kallaher
5 Creative Birthday Party Ideas for Teenage Boys in Miami
We love birthday parties at my house! However, when my son hit 13 it seemed harder to make the perfect party plan for teenage boys in Miami. The problem is that although my son...
Cinco de Mayo: 3 Unusual Taco Combinations Your Family Will Love
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In honor of Cinco de Mayo, we gave Taco Tuesday a twist and tried 3 unusual taco combos inspired by my favorite taco shops in Dallas, Texas.
Taco Tuesday...
Miami Mom Collective Welcomes MIA Mom Meredith Kallaher
Hellllooooo Miami! My name is Meredith Kallaher. I am a mom of 3 teenagers named Charlie, Chloe, and Anna Kate, a wife to Vince, and a business leader who helps other business owners grow...
Spring Fashion Trends to Replace My Favorite Pandemic Sweatpants
The Decision
It was time to get out of my pandemic sweatpants.
I mean, they have been so comfortable and provided room for my expanding quarantine waistline, but last week when I left the house and...