As mothers, we have so much on our plates. We are trying very hard to provide our children with the best ingredients and the best foods. Smoothies are a great way to add in some extra vegetables and/or fruit that your children may or may not like to eat. You can actually hide just about anything in a smoothie.
A typical smoothie can pack in high amounts of sugar before you know it. A great way to prepare a smoothie is with the same principles you prepare a meal. Your goal is approximately 40% carbohydrates from fruits and/or vegetables, 40% protein, and 20% fat.
What is a mom to do? Protein seems to be the biggest challenge. For your little ones, you want to add in foods that are in their natural state and provide protein. Such foods could include raw nut butters, chia seeds, or hemp seeds, as these are all complete proteins. Then you have certain foods that actually offer proteins as well as sweetness such as dates, goji berries, and mulberries.
There are also some excellent plant-based protein powders that work just as well for your family. The key is to make sure that they strictly come from food. You basically have two kinds of protein, one that a chemist made and added in all sorts of other ingredients, or the other that strictly contain products like hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds that are thrown into a blender and made into a powder.
To best meet the needs of the family, it’s important to read the ingredients and recognize every single ingredient that’s listed. If it’s a true plant-based protein powder you will be able to identify all the ingredients. This will set you up for success for any child who has already started eating solid foods.
Keep in mind that many protein powders are designed to enhance performance. In other words, they are for adults who workout a lot. The types of ingredients in these may not be safe for your children and should not be used when preparing a smoothie for them.
One of my favorite plant-based varieties is Raw Power SuperFood Mix by Body Symphony. The ingredients come straight from the kitchen. They even have naturally flavored options so you can use them for more than just smoothies. I make brownies with the chocolate protein and muffins and pancakes with the coconut protein. Kids need enough protein in their day, so adding in protein to some of their everyday staples can help stabilize their energy and improve the nutritional density of their foods. Enjoy!
With love and light,