Summer Pup Popsicles From a Dietitian’s Dog To You


Monica's dog (Summer Pup Popsicles From a Dietitian's Dog To You Monica Moreno Contributor Miami Mom Collective) Madeleine, my faithful 12 year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, has wedged herself under my feet/nestled into my lap since I was in undergrad at the University of Florida. Through graduate school, my first clinical job at a hospital, and throughout the growth of my private practice and now as I nurse and feed a toddler, she was and is there, providing comfort, support, love, and enjoying all the leftover droppings from chairs/highchairs. 

This gal, and your furry canine companions, if I may assume, deserve a summer treat, am I right?!

Popsicles (Summer Pup Popsicles From a Dietitian's Dog To You Monica Moreno Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

I may be a human dietitian, but dogs and humans can share similar physiological and nutrition needs. One of these needs is for popsicles. Or should I say… pupsicles. These pup popsicles provide a nice dose of protein, B vitamins, probiotics, fiber, potassium, Vitamin A, calcium, Vitamin D, and occupation for at least ten minutes in your day so you can enjoy a little respite.


1 large very ripe banana or canned unsweetened pumpkin (some dogs, like mine, don’t like bananas! Spoiled…)
1/4 cup unsweetened and unsalted peanut butter
2 lbs plain Greek nonfat yogurt
Grated carrots


Combine the first three ingredients in a blender. Pour into popsicle molds and stick a popsicle stick in the bottom (optional). Sprinkle some grated carrots on the bottom third of the pup popsicles. Allow to harden in the freezer. 

Optional — add some parsley. It’s great to freshen stinky puppy breath.

I make no promises that your children will not attempt to share them with your pup. Perhaps it is good for their microbiome.

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Monica Moreno
Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RDN is the founder of Essence Nutrition, a group practice of 11 registered dietitians who work with pediatrics and adults. Monica oversees all of Essence’s private client work while managing Essence’s corporate wellness programming, speaking engagements, consulting services, school wellness programming and marketing. She is the dietitian for the Miami Marlins and is the and Ocean Reef Resort and Club. Monica has spoken at national nutrition and wellness conferences and delivered hundreds of nutrition presentations over her career and been featured in various national print and media publications. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetics Practice Group, Integrative Nutrition Dietetics Practice Group, Collegiate and Professionals Sports Dietitians Association, and Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group. She has been a member of the Junior League of Miami since 2011, is the Diversity Liaison for the Florida AND, and is a past co-chair and current board member of Jewish Community Services of South Florida’s Young Alliance. She has a one toddler and one geriatric Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Instagram: @eatlikemonica Essence Website: Appointments: [email protected]