Voting in Miami-Dade: An Election Day Resource Guide


As November quickly approaches, so does Election Day on November 5. We have gathered some election day resources to make your November 5 easier. 

Image: A woman with an "I voted" sticker holds a letterboard that reads, "Make Your Choice"

Are you registered to vote?

Let’s start with the basics, are you registered to vote? Do you know where your voting location is? Do you need a mail-in ballot? 

Checking if you’re already registered to vote is quick and easy by going to the State of Florida Voter Lookup | Search. If you’re not registered, don’t fret, the deadline to register for the 2024 General Election is October 7, 2024.

The Voter Information portion of the Miami-Dade County website will give you all the information you need to find your polling location, request a mail-in ballot should you need one, and very importantly, your sample ballot so you can go into Election Day informed and ready to rock the vote. This election resource is a must for all new and veteran voters!

Image: A expectant mom flaunts a Miami-Dade I Voted sticker on her baby bumpEducated Voting

Making educated decisions at the polls is just as important as getting out to vote in the first place! But where can you start? Vote 411, funded by the League of Women Voters, is a nonpartisan informational website that allows you to access a personalized ballot. Their website clarifies the sometimes wordy and confusing language of amendments with a summary, as well as naming what organizations are for and against the amendments. All responses come directly from the candidates and are unedited by the LWV. The League of Women Voters states that they do not support or oppose any candidates or parties.

Image: A wooden check mark carving installation where voters can place their voting stickers

Our Duty to Vote

Every election is an important one, be it local or national, and each and every vote is meaningful. So it is imperative for our future and the future of our children to set a good example and vote. We can include our children this election season and teach them how to be an informed voter, take them with us on Election Day to see our democracy in action, let them have our sticker, and show them how exciting having a voice is!

Image: A father and his infant son wear matching "I voted" stickers

Miami Mom Collective does not endorse any candidate or party and we offer these resources to you so you may use them to further your knowledge of the issues and candidates for Election Day.

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Ana-Sofia DuLaney
Ana-Sofia is a Miami native that chose to never leave her hometown. She attended FIU and is an attorney that graduated from the University of Miami School of Law. Ana-Sofia finally became more than friends with her childhood neighbor after over 10 years, and now they are happily married! She was a proud dog mom before she became a human mom, and after the birth of their now four-year-old son, Ana-Sofia has been lucky enough to work from home. In August 2021, their family grew by one more and they welcomed a new baby boy to the bunch! She loves traveling with her family but also loves staying home curled up on the couch. An avid Dave Matthews fan, Ana-Sofia is also a self proclaimed extroverted introvert, grammar freak, Harry Potter obsessed, Heat and UM cheering, and gardening loving mama that hopes she’s doing right by her sons while trying to reduce her ecological footprint. Follow her on Instagram as she tries to live each day fully @TheAnaMachine or her gardening journey on @GardeningInJeans