He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. -Jim Elliot

With National Physical Fitness and Sports Month and Global Employee Health and Fitness Month in May, it seems like a great time to talk about health and fitness. Freeze the frame: what thoughts and images just popped into your head when you read those words? Are “health and fitness” and anything related to that “bad” words for you? With the onslaught of “New Year, New You” headlines, January is the month we typically associate with health and fitness talk. Spring has sprung, April showers bring May flowers, and summer will be here before we know it. That makes May the perfect time for fresh starts and new beginnings, and fresh encouragement to inspire us to see health and fitness in a new light.
I think it’s interesting that my health and fitness journey officially began in May of 2014.
I was so very tired of being tired. Tired of making excuses, “I’m too old to start now” being the most prominent. I was tired of ignoring the changes that I needed to make. Tired of being a hypocrite that expected everyone else to do hard things, but I wouldn’t do the hard things I was being called to do. Praying, hoping, trusting, which led to actually doing something about it. I did not grow up as a person that was into fitness or athletics of any kind. I mean, I played soccer in elementary school at my local park for one summer; does that count? My participation in exercise was haphazard, at best.
When I started, I had next to no clue what I was doing. I was never one of “those” people. You know who I’m talking about: those fitness people that exercise regularly. Nope, I wasn’t one of those. So how did I get from there to becoming a runner, group fitness instructor, and one of “those” fitness people in my forties? Renewing my thoughts has been the biggest game-changer. Here are a few thoughts that have helped me on my journey, and I hope they encourage you as you run your race, literally and/or metaphorically:
Slow and Steady
There’s no one giant step that’s going to take care of health and fitness all at once. It is a bunch of little steps. I didn’t get where I was overnight, and chances are neither did you. I reminded myself that because of that, I wasn’t going to get where I wanted to go overnight either. The compound effect of small efforts, repeated day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year is truly amazing. Slow progress is still progress. What was I in such a hurry for?
This principle works whether you are sowing good or bad seeds, by the way. What small efforts/seeds are you sowing for a future harvest?
“Whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Galatians 6:7
It Takes Discipline
Anyone struggling with discipline? It’s not really fun or glamorous, but discipline – the act of training oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way – serves us in so many areas of life. As a mom, I have to not only deal with my own discipline but with the discipline/training of my children on a daily basis. They resist and fight that training just about every step of the way – it takes discipline on my part to continue training them (and myself) in the face of opposition. Don’t we all fight it, though? It’s not just our children’s struggle. Doing what is right because it is the right thing to do – no small feat, but necessary and required of us, nonetheless.
Struggling with discipline? Focus on what the purpose/goal/end result of the discipline/training is, not on the discipline/training itself. It’s okay if it’s unpleasant – there are peace and reward on the other side!
“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11
You’re Worth It
Whether it’s a rainy Saturday morning, or before/after that long day at work – you’re worth it.
It’s not selfish to invest in yourself and your health and to make that a priority. It’s actually quite the opposite because that small investment of time and energy in intentional movement pays dividends in my spiritual, physical, and emotional health, which in turn blesses those around me. I don’t care how long it’s been since you’ve exercised, or how horribly you think you’ve been eating – you are worth it. Health and fitness are for you, too. Fitness is not just for the fit, but for the willing.

So there you have it: health and fitness encouragement from one of “those” fitness people. I am not the fittest of the fit by any stretch of the imagination, and I am still learning so much every day. But I’ve got news for you: you are just one decision away from changing the direction of your life. Remember that the struggle isn’t where it ends, but where it begins. Here’s to a May filled with fresh starts, new beginnings, and a new light shining on health and fitness.
The initial start to changing is always difficult, but once you have a rhythm going, everything sort of falls into place. Thanks for your encouraging post!
Yes, Ailyn, change can be difficult. You’re welcome – glad to be an encouragement!
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