So, we are staying home for (at least) another month and have to celebrate the holiday without our extended family. Is anyone else kind of stressed?? If you are like me, you usually leave the cooking to your awesome mom and your sister (who have much more confidence in the kitchen) and you deliver a beautiful flower arrangement along with your neatly dressed (and photograph ready) tots. Not only that, but my dad proudly leads the Seder. Oh, how this year will be different… but it doesn’t have to be bad. Here is my plan to make this socially distant Passover a great one!

Matzo Matzo Man
The Story of Passover
Once upon a time, a movie came out about Passover. As a kid, I remember my parents taking my sister and me to see it and it has been a tradition to watch it every year since. I am not talking about The 10 Commandments… I am talking about The Prince of Egypt. Yes, I know. It’s kind of the lazy way to teach it to the kids, but if my 2-year-old (who never sits still) can stay engaged for the whole movie (and he did) then it works for us! This animated version about the exodus from Egypt has the kids falling in love with not only the story, but the music and excitement behind the magic of Moses. Watch it and let me know for yourself… but trust me when I tell you- it’s a winner!

A Kid-Friendly Haggadah
This is not your grandma’s copy of Maxwell House’s Haggadah… oh, the years we have spent with those in our hands. Thanks for the memories, but we are moving on! The best idea that I have come across (thanks to my amazing sister) is creating a personalized Haggadah with your children. It allows them to get involved with the story and really helps them understand the story, simplifies the prayers, and makes Seder more enjoyable for everyone. For those who want an easy, kid-friendly Haggadah, here is a link to my favorite kids’ Haggadah! (Created by the amazing and talented Jayme Fishman- my sister.)
While creating your own Passover Seder tablescape you could go in two directions: classic or kid-friendly. Guess which one I am choosing?? That’s right! It’s for the kids! You can hop on Pinterest at any time for ideas, but my favorite is the “parting of the Red Sea” down the center of the table. Have the kids collect all their favorite character toys and help to create the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt to the holy land. What’s more fun than a Fantasia Mickey playing the part of Moses? While you are at it, add a plague to each plate around the table. Get creative… it’s your new Passover!

I am not a chef, but there are a few easy and fun things you can whip up with the kids during Passover…
Matzah Pizza
My favorite! Take matzah, add some pasta sauce and sprinkle on mozzarella cheese. Melt in the oven for a few minutes and voila! You are a chef!!
Chocolate Covered Matzah
Melt chocolate and dip the matzah. For fun, add sprinkles! Let it cool in the fridge and enjoy!
Chop up some apples and pour on the grape juice (add nuts if you want- we are ALL feeling it anyway)
Get a little messy with flour and water to make your own matzah. Poke it with a fork to make the traditional pattern and then bake it for 18 minutes… Chai! To life!! Watch The Little Red Hen and The Passover Matzah (the recipe is at the end).

It’s always important to connect with your family for the holidays. If your family is open to it, have them join a zoom call and YOU and the kids can take the lead on Seder duties this year. Show off your perfectly decorated table, expertly prepared meal, and amazingly creative Haggadah artwork by the newest rising star artists! Why will this night be different from all other nights? Well, we all know the answer this year. This year will surely be a Passover to remember… so let’s make it a fun one! Don’t forget to share your Seder with us. Tag @miamimomsblog to share all your Passover fun… that’s “matzah” fun! Lol… too much?? 🙂
Absolutely Delightful!!
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