Dear Mom Who Didn’t Do Anything for Spring Break


Dear Mom Who Didn’t Do Anything for Spring Break by E. L. Lane Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Dear Mom Who Didn’t Do Anything for Spring Break,

Hey, momma. I see you.

You’re sitting there reading this. Feeling like you’re not doing the best you can at this whole mom thing because you didn’t plan anything for spring break. The week came and went and all you did was tidy the house, take the kids outside to play, and run errands.

Dear Mom Who Didn't Do Anything for Spring Break by E. L. Lane Contributor Miami Moms Blog

You’re not going to win the blue ribbon for Most Pinterest-Worthy Spring Break. Or even the Most Active Spring Break Facebook Feed honorable mention. But you know what?

That’s ok. Sometimes you just need a break.

A break from planning fun things for your kids and family every second of the day. Or a break from taking the kids to ballet, soccer, piano lessons, etc. You need a week to take everyone to the doctors’ or dentists’ appointments you’ve put off or to plan those home improvement projects you’ve been meaning to take care of.

I see you, momma. And I know you’re trying your best.

Your best yesterday may have been taking the kids on an engaging, educational nature walk. Then folding the laundry while they nap, and finally cooking up a nutritionally balanced meal followed by a bath, story time, and bed by 7pm. Your best today may be sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram while the kids cut up that magazine you haven’t read yet, followed by cleaning up the mess. Then spending the rest of the day telling them to stop messing up the house you just finished tidying. Next is frozen pizza for dinner, skipping bathtime, and watching a movie during which you fall asleep, leaving the kids to make brand new messes that you find the next morning when you wake up.

Your best yesterday won’t look the same as your best today, and that’s perfectly fine.

It’s ok to just sit and relax because, in the end, your kids won’t remember that they didn’t go anywhere special for spring break this year.

But they will remember all the times you stayed up at night taking care of them when they got sick. All the times you pulled all-nighters with them to get that project finished that they had months to do, but only remembered was due at 9pm the night before. And that one time you let them have a cookie before a meal instead of after because you knew they’d had a rough day.

Your kids love you and they always will, no matter how you spent spring break this year.

Dear Mom Who Didn't Do Anything for Spring Break by E. L. Lane Contributor Miami Moms Blog

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Gift yourself the same love and compassion you give your loved ones. Go get yourself something nice for surviving this spring break unscathed or otherwise.

Give yourself a break – a spring break, if you will – because you deserve it.

Much love,

Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: E. L. Lane