Dear Stay At Home Mom,
Please never forget that raising a child as a Stay at Home Mom is a full-time job, and it is one of the most important jobs you’ll ever have.
You may feel alone, insecure, and even guilty that you’re not supporting your family financially. However, you are investing your time and unconditional love to care and nurture your child. This is priceless.
You didn’t take on this new role
for the recognition, praise or reward.
You are fueled by pure love.
You take everything that’s thrown at you (literally and figuratively) and you make it happen.
You are resilient.
Your family may not tell you this a lot (or at all) but you are appreciated and valued.
Constantly juggling your ever-evolving family’s needs, the household duties, making sure dinner is on the table, kids are bathed, homework complete, tucked cozy into bed – on repeat.
You are selfless.
Take a step back and look at all that you do.
You are truly amazing.
And yes, there are days when you may feel defeated, worthless, and like a failure.
You are allowed to make mistake. You are allowed to feel and acknowledge all of your feelings, but you are not any of those things.
You are so much stronger than what you give yourself credit for.
Stay at Home Mom, when you feel like you haven’t accomplished anything, come back to your “why.” Be present, enjoy every moment – all of the ups and downs that have made you this invincible.
Stare a little longer into the innocent eyes of your child and be reminded that love is what has brought you here.
You don’t need validation from anyone else, but you do need to hear from yourself more often – that voice all the way in the back that’s always cheering you on saying, “you got this, you are a powerful woman and an incredible mom.”
Another Mom