You’re Invited: Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida G.I.R.L. FEST

Girl Scouts: GIRL Fest
Girl Scouts: GIRL Fest

When it comes to the Girl Scouts, most people immediately think of the delicious cookies. Cookie sales are a fundraising staple for the Girl Scouts. However, not only do they raise money, they also teach girls entrepreneurship, teamwork, planning, and a positive outlook.

As a former Girl Scout, I know I have learned a lot from my years as a Daisy, Brownie, & Junior. I very clearly remember our pledge, “On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.” 

In just a few days, Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida will gather (virtually) and celebrate G.I.R.L. Fest! This event has evolved throughout the years, but always has one common goal… to celebrate girls and bring them together. This year, G.I.R.L. Fest will feature a virtual Escape Room, virtual troop booths, various activities, community partners, speakers and more!

G.I.R.L. Fest Speakers include:

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  • Local Chef, Janine Booth will be showing girls how to make yummy, no bake treats using Girl Scout Cookies.  
  • Kereen Getten, author of the debut novel, When Life Gives you Mangos (a middle grade book) will also be speaking at the event.

Not part of the Girl Scouts yet, but interested in seeing what it’s all about? Join G.I.R.L. Fest this year to get a taste of this amazing organization that started in 1912!


  • When? Saturday, September 26, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Where? Virtual
  • Grades? All levels
  • Registration: Running now through Friday, September 25, 12:00 PM

Click here to register!

The best part of G.I.R.L. Fest is that they include everyone and are on a mission to make the world a better place. All levels of the Girl Scouts will be involved from the sweet little Daisy troops through loyal Alumnae. When the world shut down, the Girl Scouts stepped up. From making masks to community service that celebrates Essential Workers, the girls came together to make our community a better place. I can’t wait to see what they do next! 

To learn more about the event, organization, and more… visit the Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida website.

Girl Scouts: GIRL Fest
Troop 159 circa early 90’s- Proud Girl Scout (me) front row, second from the left