Miami Moms – Hi there! My name is Rebecca, but most of my friends call me Becky. Am I the only one that dreads having to introduce myself? Will I share too much, or not enough? Will my heart be heard through the words shared? The word introduce comes from the Latin ducere, to lead, and intro, to the inside. So I guess I can relax and take a breath, knowing that this is just the beginning of what I’m hoping will be a wonderful relationship I’m being led into.
Whether it’s another state or another country, most everyone I know and meet is from somewhere other than Miami. When I share that I was born and raised in Miami and that–although I have traveled quite a bit outside of Florida and the U.S.–I’ve never lived outside of Miami, the reactions I encounter vary from amazement to pity. I didn’t even attend college outside of Miami: proud FIU graduate of 1993! (1993 was a REALLY long time ago. I digress…)
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to live somewhere else, even if for just a short season.
It never seemed to be the right time or set of circumstances to take the plunge. Throughout my life, I’ve had the opportunity to live in different parts of Miami, which has given me a taste for the vast diversity in Miami. Living in Miami means one thing to someone living in Cutler Ridge, another thing to folks living in Doral, and a completely different thing to someone living in Hialeah. I guess in some small way I have been able to experience what living in different areas is like, even if it’s been the same distance from the equator.
I am the first generation of my family to be born in this country, and so is my husband. He was also born and raised in Miami and has never lived anywhere else. Maybe that’s why we found it so easy to run the race of life together, and to make our home together here.
What keeps me steady in life as a Miami mom is what grounds me to this place: my faith in a God that ultimately knows what is best for me helps keep joyful gratitude infused in my contentment. That hasn’t always been the case, but I’m glad it is now.
I’m a mom of three teenagers. Yep, three of them. Reactions to that statement are identical to my sharing where I’ve lived and for how long: from amazement to pity. It can be a bit discouraging if I’m not careful. I have to remind myself that other people’s definitions and expectations of what my motherhood journey should be do not determine what my feelings on the matter should be. Make no mistake about it: being a mom to three teenagers is really challenging. I have often been brought to the end of myself and what I think I am capable of. But it’s so much more than that.

Memories from a family camping trip at Highland Hammocks Park in 2016
I have been a mom for over eighteen years. My husband and I also made the decision early on that home education would work best for our family to accomplish the goals God had for us, so I’m also a homeschooling mom. (You should see the reactions I get to that one!) The longer you do something, the more people may be under the impression that you may have things figured out. The truth is that just when I think I’ve got things figured out, we enter a new season of growth and change. Some of the most difficult work I’ve ever done has been my work as a mom. Honestly, I can say I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I am a better person because of my kids. This crazy beautiful life we get to live because of them has taught me so much.
I love the adventure of being a Miami mom! This family keeps me on my toes, and on my knees in prayer.
I’m so excited for the opportunity to be a Miami Moms Blog contributor, and I look forward to sharing glimpses of my heart as a mom. My hope is that those glimpses encourage moms–regardless of their season of life or whether they are moms to littles or not-so-littles anymore. I hope moms are able to see the grit AND grace of motherhood as the precious gift it is. We’ve received this gift to learn and grow, and to encourage others along the way. I LOVE that the mission of Miami Moms Blog is to encourage, equip, and empower Miami moms. I am thankful for the privilege to be able to partner with them in that mission.
Nice to meet you Becky! I have to admit that I’m always impressed every time I met someone born and raised in Miami 😀 but is always a good opportunity to learn about the history of the city we all call home.
So true, MAcy! Nice to meet you, too.
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