Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Cindy Herdé


If you had told me 6 or 7 years ago that I would be living in Miami, I would have laughed. I’m talking cackle with a knee-slap kind of laugh. After living 10 years in Boston and Chicago, I became quite fond of seasons (boots and scarves are life). Not to mention friends who turned into family, the amazing food and unique culture. So, the thought of leaving the north never crossed my mind. It has been 5 years since our move and Miami has been good to me and my family. Both my children were born here, I reconnected with old friends and made new ones.

Miami Mom Blogs Welcomes: MIA Mom Cindy Herdé Contributor

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I’m Cindy and I was born and raised in Aruba, a tiny but sunny island where humidity is never an issue. Aruba has brought me up embracing cultural diversity and fostered my fluency in 4 languages. I’ve moved around a lot while living in the US, but Miami has been the most similar to my home island. The intermix of cultures, music, languages, and food has made me feel right at home. And being able to see my family often due to daily short flights is a bonus. With 2 kids at home, a full-time job with multiple projects and commitments and no nearby family for help, my life can be hectic at times. Who am I kidding, my life is hectic all the time.

Why Blogging

In the spring of 2015, I gave birth to my 1st born. This was a blessing we did not take lightly as it took us years of failed medical treatments to finally have a child. Becoming a parent has completely transformed me, not just on a personal level but also professionally. See, I’m a speech-language pathologist specializing in pediatric feeding. In a nutshell, I help kids who for some reason can’t eat, need assistance eating again, or need support to become better eaters. Becoming a mom made me better understand the disquietudes that come with parenthood. What keeps us awake at night. How to balance work and family. Not to forget the immense amount of misrepresented information on the internet related to child development. I knew I had to reach out to my parent-community and offer evidence-based information, with zero judgment. Only encouragement.

Miami Mom Blogs Welcomes: MIA Mom Cindy Herdé Contributor

Regardless if we are pursuing our careers or enjoy being at home, we are all mothers.  That’s our common denominator. That’s our bond and yet many times we can find it hard to relate to one another. So, I invite you to my journey as I navigate this new world of blogging and sharing my life. Both the nailed-it moments as well as the I-can’t-believe-I-did-that situations and everything in between. I commit to present you with content that educates and hopefully guides you to make the right choices for you and your family. My goal is for you to read my posts and leave uplifted and informed.  I look forward to your comments and invite useful feedback.


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Cindy Herde
Cindy Herdé is a pediatric speech and language pathologist at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami. She has over 15 years of experience working within various clinical settings in the pediatric feeding field. Throughout her professional career she has navigated the developmental feeding journey with countless families, working closely with pediatricians, gastroenterologists, nutritionists, lactation consultants, behavior analysts, and of course, parents and caregivers. Becoming a parent in the spring of 2015 completely transformed her professional perspective. She learned first-hand about the anxieties and concerns that come with parenthood. This shifted her focus from therapy to educating families and providers on how to overcome developmental feeding difficulties. As a result, she established her own pediatric feeding consultancy, /Talk Eat Play/, in 2016. Her articles have appeared in several professional publications as well as media outlets. She is a recurrent speaker at pediatric conventions and also an adjunct faculty member at Albizu University. Born and raised in Aruba, Cindy attended the University of Central Florida – Go Knights! – and has lived in different parts of the country, including Orlando, Boston, and Chicago. She now resides in Coconut Grove with her husband and two children.


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