The global pandemic has affected everyone in some way. Moms who have never homeschooled are now leading the charge in their children’s education. Working from home has become almost everyone’s new norm. Even the way we shop for our groceries has been affected by the realities of COVID-19.
As we find ourselves lost in the hustle and bustle of socially distanced life at home, let’s not forget those serving on the front-line. Miami Moms Blog wants to recognize these Moms. Therefore, we have created our #MomsOnTheFrontline Series to honor these outstanding women.
We are excited to feature Moms in Miami who are on the frontline of the global pandemic. Frontline works include (but are certainly not limited to) first responders, healthcare workers, law enforcement, and others. We value and appreciate their sacrifice and service to protect and provide for those in need in our community.
Our #MomsOnTheFrontline Series will highlight the great work these women are doing while encouraging families to do their part by following the suggested guidelines to help stop the spread.
To those on the frontline: We admire you, support you, and are thankful for you.
Collectively, we will get through this!
Meet Melissa Melissa Gonzalez, Director of Women’s Services at Mercy Hospital, Mom of 4
How has being a mother influenced your work?
Having given birth to four children, I have first-hand knowledge of every aspect of the patient experience, as all of my deliveries were unique in their own way. My 16 year old was NICU baby. This has made me that much more sensitive and empathetic towards the families in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. What ultimately guides my decisions every day is when I ask myself, “how will this make our patients feel?”
How has COVID-19 affected your work?
COVID-19 has greatly affected the way we work. We have imposed visitor restrictions within our department. We are outfitting our nurses and patients with higher-level personal protective equipment (PPE) to help combat the spread of the virus. There is no question that this is one of the most challenging issues our healthcare community has ever faced. However, Mercy’s dedicated team of OBGYN nurses and doctors continue to show up every single day for our patients. I know that we will pull through this together.
How has the global pandemic affected your family?
It has been very difficult as a mother to see my kids frustrated because they cannot go out or see their friends. It has also been difficult to try and explain what and why this is happening to my younger children (10 & 5 years old). But I know that our family will come out of this stronger than ever and that we will remember this time for rest of our lives.
What it is like serving everyday as a Mom on the frontline?
In my 18 years of nursing, I have never experienced anything like this. While we are faced with much uncertainty and anxiety, I am also feeling very fulfilled. Seeing our community and colleagues band together reminds me of why I went into nursing in the first place. At Mercy Hospital, our mission is that above all we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. I know that we are making a difference now more than ever. I could not be prouder to work alongside such an incredible team.
What acts of kindness or encouragement have you seen during this time?
I am moved beyond words by the kindness and generosity our community is showing us. Members of Miami Moms Blog left beautiful
messages of support on Mercy’s front lawn and
Sign Gypsies donated a yard sign with the words “Heroes at Work” at our entrance to help motivate and inspire a team. We have also been receiving donations in the form of food, flowers and hand written thank you notes from local businesses. They all mean so much to us!
What message or encouragement do you have for fellow Miami Moms during this time?
Please know that the sacrifices you are making – closed business, cancelled events and social distancing from loved ones – are not in vain. We all must work together to flatten the curve and stop the spread of COVID-19!
Melissa, thank you for your service and for sharing with us. Let’s close out with you telling us 3 of your favorite things, life’s simple joys…
My kids, my job, and my freedom (which means more to me know more than ever!)
Recognize and honor Moms on the frontline by using #MomsOnTheFrontlines to nominate someone or send us an email: info{at}miamimomsblog.com.