The Prayer of a Brokenhearted White Mother


Prayer of a Brokenhearted White Mother | A Lament Against Racism Miami Moms Blog

Father God, 

Words fail me, tears flood me, and my heart is overwhelmed with the weight of our current reality. Hear my cry O God, listen to my prayer. I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.[1]

I am a brokenhearted white mother who feels “there are no words.”

However, choosing to have no words is silence and I will not be silent about something that I know grieves the heart of my God.

The reality that black image-bearers continue to be senselessly murdered makes me filled with righteous anger, and desire your righteous justice. Only you are the Righteous Judge.[2] I know that you will one day make all things right – but now, Lord – here, in June 2020 – move in our hearts, in my heart, to make our love for the black community genuine. Oh that we would, “abhor what is evil and cling to what is good.”[3] May we “learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed.”[4]

I repent for ways I have been silent, ignorant, or complacent.

Collectively, stir in hearts around the world to have more than sorrow but to also repent of the sin of racism.[5] As you have done for centuries through the finished work of Christ, continue to: open blind eyes, free captives, release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. [6]

As my babies sleep soundly in their rooms, I plead for your comfort to tangibly surround black mothers who are grieving the loss of their babies, no matter their age. God of all comfort, engulf them with your comfort. Teach me how to best wrap my arms around black mothers in our community during this time and always.

Raise up a generation of mothers who will link arms and raise our children with knowledge, understanding, and a deep love for your beautiful, diverse design displayed in men and women of every tribe and tongue under the sun – a people you have created, formed, and made for your own glory and in your own image.[7] 

May we treasure, protect, defend, advocate, and ally with those who look different than us.

Why? Because their worth and value is rooted in being designed by You.

I know that refusing to “get our hands dirty in the messy pursuit of justice only ends up staining them with guilt.”[8]

Oh Lord, have mercy on us and don’t just change us — Transform us and begin with this brokenhearted white mother.

Help us O God to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly

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with you. 

“We pray that the compounding of sorrows will not compound our sins, but send us desperate and running to the risen Savior, our only hope, Jesus Christ. O Jesus, for this you died! That you might reconcile hopeless, hostile people to God and to each other. You have done it for millions by grace through faith. Do it, Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen.”[9] 



1 Psalm 61:1-2

2 Psalm 7:11

3 Romans 12:9

4 Isaiah 1:17

5 2 Corinthians 7:10

6 John 19:30,

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Ephesians 2:8-9, Isaiah 42:7

Isaiah 43:7, Genesis 1:27

Oh God, Make Us Angry! The Gospel Coalition

9 The Sorrows of Minneapolis, A Prayer for our City by: John Piper

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Cierra is the Owner & Founder of Miami Mom Collective. A Southern girl with Alabama roots, she has lived in California, Israel, China, Texas and Florida. Cierra quickly fell in love with the beauty and diversity of South Florida when she first visited Key Biscayne after reconnecting with (and later marrying!) her high school sweetheart. Before having children of her own, she oversaw more than 100 as the Director of Key Biscayne Presbyterian School. In 2017 she launched into her latest and greatest adventure: motherhood! Cierra is Mama to a joyful 5 year girl, an energetic 3 year old boy, snuggly 1 year old boy, and a smiley baby girl! Her hands and heart are FULL to say the least! Cierra is passionate about leading and developing women to use their unique gifts to serve and encourage others. She founded Miami Mom Collective to encourage, equip, and empower Moms with relevant resources and a meaningful community. Follow her on Instagram to stay connected.


  1. Cierra, thank you for this. It brought me to tears. God bless.

    -A broken hearted Hispanic/Latina mother

  2. Amen. Thank you praying my thoughts and putting them into words. Thank you for showing our sisters of color that we too are with them.

    Love always,
    Another Hispanic Mother ❤️

  3. “Because their worth and value is rooted in being designed by You.” – This is has to be the most important sentence in this post. It all starts at home. Only we can teach our children to love one another.

    Praying for better days ahead! <3

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