Our words, they are powerful. They can build someone up or tear someone down.
- Words, they can sow thoughts of life or literal weeds of death.
- Words can divide a home or unite our families.
- Words can destroy friendships or bring forth life.
- Words can keep the rumor mill going or stop it dead in its tracks!
Consider ships as well. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot is inclined. In the same way, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it boasts of great things. Consider how small a spark sets a great forest ablaze. –James 3:4-5
Today we are talking about gossip! If you are a human you have probably experienced all of the following:
- Gossiping about others
- Listening to gossip
- Being gossiped about
Gossip is something our culture has spoon fed us since we were children, we are all comfortable with it because our culture’s standards have minimized it over time. Tabloids are now considered news and we’ve created this monster because we all want to hear the juicy stories. However, just because everyone does it it doesn’t mean that it is the right thing to do. (My momma taught me that.) Gossip hurts others, it hurts our own souls and it divides our society.
Gossip isn’t good for us.
- Gossip hurts our soul because when we are talking down on others we aren’t lifting them up to God like we should. We must pray more about others than what we talk about them. In my last blog post, I shared a few thoughts about honoring others.
- Gossip hurts others. We’ve all been gossiped about right? Most recently I heard a comment about me through the grapevine and I was hurt and saddened by it. I wished that my friend would have expected the best from me instead of the worst. The truth is that nobody is perfect and we must try to extend grace to one another.
- Gossip divides us. Instead of encouraging one another we find joy in their demise.
Gossip makes us expect the worst instead of expecting the best.
- Scripture teaches us about loving our neighbor and 1 Corinthians 13:7 says, Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
- We end up believing the chisme we hear. People are hurting and we need to be slow to speak and choose to love more often than we spew hate. Expect the best in others, would you want others to expect the worst of you?
Gossip hardens our hearts towards others, it calluses our empathy.
- I know this for a fact: Recently a Kardashian made tabloids and people immediately said she “deserved it” and were quick to hate on her. We lose empathy for them because of the many tabloids we see about them. Gossip calluses our empathy for others.
- How often do you lose empathy for others in this similar predicament?
Gossip makes you think less of others.
- Gossip makes us look down on people, it calluses our hearts, it makes us think of those lies when we see them instead of seeing them for who they are. It has the potential of ruining relationships before they even begin!
Finally, sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. –Philipians 4:8
I hope that meditating on these words will stir your heart to love others and fight the temptation to gossip. What do you say? Find me in the comments section.
With love,
Abby A