5 High-Intensity Workouts to Help You Tone Your Body


Mommas, have you been feeling unmotivated lately? Wishing you could tone your body but your fitness goals have taken a backseat to your overextended day? That toned summer body you were once after will just have to wait until 2021 – or does it

Lately it has been an added challenge to follow an exercise routine because either you are scared to head back to a gym, or you can’t fathom the idea of jumping around in your living room. I am here to tell you that I have the perfect routine to implement to your daily regimen regardless of where you are in your fitness journey. It is simple to follow and can be personalized depending on your specific fitness goals. You can tone your body from home!

Let’s Prepare

Get the mind right, pencil in some time on your calendar, and let’s do this. For my beginners, start off with attainable expectations and goals. It is important to ween slowly into a routine so your body can adapt well. If you are already active and want to implement this as part of your program – then fit it in as you feel applicable. You will not need equipment. However, if you want to challenge yourself, I recommend some light dumbbells.

I love to recommend these movements because they are fun and engaging, they make you feel like a strong warrior, and they benefit a multitude of muscle groups. It’s a low impact, yet high-intensity workout that specifically entails throwing hooks, jabs, crosses, and upper-cuts.

You vs. You

Yes, we are boxing, and the opponent is no other than yourself! Boxing is a proven way to help tone your body, increase your cardiovascular endurance, and like I mentioned before, target the total-body.

Technique Is Everything

In order to benefit from this cardio workout and see aesthetic results, be sure to:

    1. Engage your abdomen – in other words, squeeze/tighten your belly.
    2. Maintain an athletic stance – in other words, knees slightly bent, and body is balanced.
    3. Maintain good posture – in other words, chest is tall and proud, face is neutral.
    4. Engage your lower body – in other words, pivot the back foot and twist at the torso, generating power from the hips, legs, and core.
5 High-Intensity Workouts to Help You Tone Your Body Miami Mom Collective
Ready Stance
Stance 2
Ready Stance – Different View

We have covered the basics. Now, let’s have some fun. Try your best but be sure your best is really YOUR all out best

Do This or That – Just Do It!

You can perform this abdominal and jab routine once as an introduction to any strength/workout session.

If you want to make this a full workout, complete 4 rounds.

Let’s Get Our Fit On!

Single-Arm Diagonal Push Crosses

5 High-Intensity Workouts to Help You Tone Your Body Miami Mom Collective
Diagonal Punch – Step 1
Opposite Side Punch
Diagonal Punch – Step 2
Opposite Side Punch
Diagonal Punch – Step 3

Stand with feet wider than shoulders. Knees are slightly bent in athletic stance. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with elbows bent and hands on each side of face.

At that same time, punch diagonally upward and left with the right hand and straighten the right leg, tapping your toe on the ground when your arm is fully extended. Alternate left and right, increasing range of motion in obliques on each reach.

Recommended Weight: 3- or 5-lb

Scaled Weight: Light dumbbells or even a pair of cans from your pantry.

Beginner Weight: Body weight – close your fist and punch away.

Time Frame: 1 minute

Sit up + Alternating Torso Twist + Punch

sit up and rotate
Sit up – Step 1
Sit up and Rotate
Sit up – Step 2
Sit up and Rotate
Torso Rotation – Step 3

Lie face up on a mat with knees bent. The soles of your feet should be planted firmly on the ground. Holding a 3- or 5-lb weight in each hand firmly above your head. Activate your abdomen and glutes and lift your torso. On your way up, use your right arm to perform a punch on the left side while your torso is also shifting left. Left arm is bent and dumbbell is by your face. Return to the starting position by rolling down one vertebra at a time. Alternate each arm by performing a sit up.

Recommended Weight: 3- or 5-lb

Scaled Weight: Light dumbbells or even a pair of cans from your pantry.

Beginner Weight: Body weight – close your fist and punch away

Workload: Complete 20 reps (10 on each side)

Punch Combination + Lunge

Lunge – Step 1
Lunge and Punch – Step 2
Lunge and Punch – Step 3
Lunge and Punch – Step 4

Stand in fighting stance, with the left foot in front and right foot behind you, so the left shoulder is slightly in front of the right (if you’re left-handed, do the reverse). Hold a 2- or 3-lb weight in each hand, with elbows by your side, weights about chin level. Perform a jab by extending your front arm at full extension. Palms should be facing down and knuckles forward. Be sure to keep your head neutral. Then quickly returning to start. Then perform a punch with the back arm and together pivot your back foot. Extend that power and momentum through the hips and torso to ensure a full extension.

What to do with the legs? Weight needs to be on your heels, slowly drop down with the front leg bent at 90 degrees – the back knee should slowly drop down as well. Perform the same jab-cross combo, then return to start.

Recommended Weight: 5- or 7-lb

Scaled Weight: Light dumbbells or even a pair of cans from your pantry.

Beginner Weight: Body weight – close your fist and punch away.

Time Frame: 1 minutes

Crosses + Crunches

crunch and Punch
Crunch – Step 1
Crunch and Punch
Punch Right to Left
Punch Left to Right – Step 3

Lie face up on a mat with knees bent at a 90-degree angle, toes should be facing the sky and your feet together. Hold a 2- or 3-lb weight in each hand, with elbows bent, weights in front of chest and shoulders lifted off the ground. Perform 4 cross punches back-to-back by punching with the right arm (keeping the weight at eye-level) and then with the left and repeating once more. Then bring elbows out to the sides, weights between the ear and chin, and perform 2 crunches. Once you have competed that combination – that’s one rep. Be sure to maintain feet and knees together throughout the movements.

Recommended Weight: 3- or 5-lb

Scaled Weight: Light dumbbells or even a pair of cans from your pantry.

Beginner Weight: Body weight – close your fist and punch away.

Workload: 15-20 reps

Upper-Cuts + Burpee

Hook – Step 1
Hook – Step 2
Hook – Step 3
Burpee – Step 1
Burpee – Step 2
Burpee – Step 3
Burpee – Step 4
Burpee – Step 5
Burpee – Step 5

Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulders, knees slightly bent, core engaged, and hands in fists in front of your chest. Perform 4 upper cuts back-to-back by lowering and twisting through your hips and torso. Then drop chest to ground into burpee (feet and hands at shoulder-width) and jump back up to start position. That’s one rep.

Recommended Weight: Body weight

Scaled Movement: Chest does not have to hit the ground.

Workload: 10 reps

I can’t wait to see our Mom community get active.

Be sure to tag us @miamimomcollective @illiett #Chasinbalance and stay accountable! Our kids are relying on us to be healthy.

Picture details: Wall Art: Trunk Dax Studios @C.Brax_ 


*Disclaimer: always be sure to consult with a healthcare professional when starting a new fitness program.

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Illiett Ojeda
Meet Illiett! Known to walk at the beat of her own drum. She strives for constant growth and isn’t afraid of the climb to achieve it. Illiett is an energetic and soul-spirited wife and mom to a supportive husband of 13 years and momma to a dynamic duo: Kash and Maui. This pair are collectively her tropical island and the proud owners of all her grey hairs (ha). Her children’s busy sports schedule has allowed her to master the very gracious bleacher hop which she wouldn’t trade for the world. Being a mom is just one of her many passion projects. When she is not working her corporate 9 to 5, she picks up her second wind and works on her side hustle. The need to have a creative outlet and a full calendar has always been something that drives her. Illiett has set out to use her past teaching and communications degrees - as well as her innate passion for inspiring to create connections through motivational speaking and DIY workshops. Her recent project of #Chasinbalance is a platform that allows her to empower and provide resources through Intentional Vision Board sessions, Wellness Retreats, DIY’s, and Fitness guidance. She invites you to follow along @illiett to experience the journey of balancing the unpredictable mom-preneur life.