How to Restore Your Peace in a Storm | Tips to Calm Yourself


My heart aches a lot these days. Every time that I turn on the television or get one of those news alerts on my cell phone my heart sinks a little deeper. It has been over three months of quarantine and the lockdown is easing up a little, but are we really safe? Let’s not forget about the lives lost due to social injustices. Will this storm ever end? Am I the only one feeling like this? What do you do when you just simply don’t have the answers? 

How to Restore Your Peace in a Storm | Tips to Calm Yourself

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During these extremely difficult times I have had to go back to my roots. I remember what my grandmother use to say, “Keep the faith baby!” When everything seems like it is falling apart we have to trust and believe that things are really just coming together the way God intended for them to be. It is a hard pill to swallow. However, it is so true. 

Something that I can attest to is that some of my biggest personal growth has taken place during a storm. I created a business during a rough patch in my life. I have stretched out of my comfort zone and developed new relationships.  Bet you can share a story or two about how you overcame a storm?  When you come out of the storm you are nine out of ten times much stronger than you were before the storm. 

How to Restore Your Peace in a Storm | Tips to Calm Yourself

Tips to restore your peace! 

1. Meditate and pray daily.

2. Journal your feelings.

3. Talk it out with a friend, loved one or therapist. 

4. Be kind to yourself. 

5. Unplug from social media.

6. Listen to your favorite song.

7. Go for a nature walk.

8. Do something nice for someone else.

9. Trust the process.

10. Be still.

One quote that comes to mind is, “Stop trying to calm the storm. Calm yourself. The storm will pass.” It is a great reminder not to get caught up in the why. If we learn to trust the process, have faith and keep our cool, life will become much easier. It ain’t always easy. I can not even lie. Some days I have to work extra hard to control my emotions. But I am so glad that trouble don’t last always. Hang in there mommas, we are in this together!


  1. Thank you Sharonda! I understand exactly how you feel and it’s so tough some days. Add on, am I doing things correctly? Be it social distancing or teaching my son for a better future, it gets very draining. These tips are great reminders to center ourselves. We need it and those around us need us to be well too!

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