We all love Miami because of the beaches and all of the amazing opportunities to get out on the water,  but is all this safe for our kids? Since we moved to this city my son has been surrounded by...
The perfect mom.  Her picture's been ingrained in my psyche since my own childhood.  I've imagined her wearing a circa 1950s dress with heels and pearls, her flawless hair and makeup done, as she puts a tray of freshly...
As busy Moms we can always use a few simple snack ideas. Check out these quick and healthy dessert and snack ideas that your kids (and you too Mama) will love!  1.) Date coconut balls - Take 10 pitted dates and...
Full time employee at work and at home. As working moms, our days don't just end at our 9-5's. We still need to find the time to: organize the house, cook dinner, sneak in some playtime before bedtime. It isn't just about...
  We are frequently asked about early childhood programs and recommendations for child care, preschools, and schools in Miami. Choosing a school or child care center that fits your child’s and your family’s needs can be an overwhelming task. Miami Moms Blog...
Your face gives your thoughts away! Let's be honest, how many times has a menacing thought run through your mind and quickly shown up on your face? Whether you were judging yourself, judging others... we've all been there. Okuuuuuur (Insert Cardi B...
Attention Miami Area Working Women: Miami Moms Blog and JustAskBoo are delighted to bring you an exciting new editorial series that is almost as fabulous as you are: Working Mom’s Spotlight! Twice a month we will feature a mom who is making...
“Don’t touch those caterpillars! They're poisonous!”  If I had a colada for every time that phrase was yelled out across a Miami playground, I would be so wired I could pick up transmissions from deep space.   You’ve heard the story...
Shortly after becoming a parent, a ridiculous amount of baby products soon took over our home, including the toys.  I was spending my days cleaning a home that seemed to never be in order because even after the toys had...
Making breakfast, packing a lunch, and preparing snacks has me feeling so anxious. We are officially into our brand NEW SCHOOL SCHEDULE and I'm already feeling a little bit defeated.    Maybe I'm subconsciously worrying that Gaby's not going...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...