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LET’S TALK CAR ORGANIZATION We often worry about organizing our home but neglect the other place we spend most of our time. Admit it, you’re either coming or going in today’s world and it seems like we do everything in...
I don't like cooking--the Instant Pot changed that.  After going non-stop all day, knowing I have to come home and cook, makes me make a face like the one emoji with the squinty eyes and zigzag mouth. It's even worse when...
With St. Patrick's Day just a few days away, we're sharing 5 fun and easy St. Patrick's Day recipes you can make at home with your kids. It's important to disconnect for a bit and have a nice time...
Miami is a unique place, isn't it? Whether you grew up in the 305 or moved from somewhere else, you've no doubt discovered the many things that make Miami a one-of-a-kind place to live. There's the year-round sunshine, beaches, palm...
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month! Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory estrogen-dependent process that occurs when endometrial glands grow outside of the uterus but new emerging research suggests this definition may be too narrow. These lesions can occur in body parts...
Women's Day March 8th is International Women's Day. I know what you're thinking: Isn't every day women's day? Well yes, but we also have a specific day each year to commemorate it.  Since 1909, Women's Day has been observed in...