Food + Drink

Family enjoying food and drink at dinner

Miami Mom Collective is your go-to guide for exploring delicious culinary options and practical dining tips for families. This section highlights local flavors while offering simple, family-friendly recipes to enhance your meal planning. Whether you’re looking for quick weeknight dinners or festive holiday treats, we’re here to inspire busy parents with food and drink ideas that the entire family will enjoy.

Our team of local Miami moms share their favorite go-to recipes, from fan favorite Thanksgiving recipes and instant pot meals to quick and easy healthy summer recipes and a checklist for a delicious taco night. Additionally, our food and drink section promotes healthy eating habits through practical tips. Discover time and money savings with meal planning plus quick and nutritious recipes even picky eaters will love and easy family meals for moms on the go.

Discover delightful family-friendly dining experiences in Miami. Miami Mom Collective has curated guides including our favorite restaurants where kids eat free for family friendly dining experiences and our favorite Miami donut shops for those special treats! With a focus on family dining, we help parents discover welcoming and fun spots for children, ensuring every family outing is a memorable adventure!

At Miami Mom Collective we hope to inspire moms with food and drink tips for meal prep and dining adventures! . Come join us and discover fun ideas that bring families together around the table!

Food always seems to be the big challenge for many of my mom friends and clients, you have so much to do and basically you are just trying to feed your kids the best you can. But here’s the...
I don't know about you, but I am of the belief that everyone should have at least one really good chicken salad recipe in their repertoire.  So in case you don't have one, let me introduce you to this...
As mothers, we have so much on our plates. We are trying very hard to provide our children with the best ingredients and the best foods. Smoothies are a great way to add in some extra vegetables and/or fruit...
As I was trying to come up with a fun recipe for this post, I started thinking about all of Gaby's favorite foods.  Like most 3 years old, Strawberry Poptarts are high up on her list of favorites.  I've...
If you're muffin-eating people like we are, I believe (and hope) you're going to love these super easy to make Chunky Monkey Muffins!  In true Whitney fashion, they are gluten-free and only sweetened with bananas.  No added sugar, mamas! ...
I recently attended a dinner with some of my fellow Miami Moms Blog team members hosted by Koki, an in-home personal chef service. All I really knew about Koki was that it was an in-home personal chef service, and...
Did you know that National Doughnut Day is June 7th? It seems like there is a National Day for everything under the sun. National Bean Day (January 6), National Mustard Day (August 3), there's even National House Plant Appreciation Day...
I have fond memories of grandparents making sangria.  There was fruit cocktail from the can, dark red wine, and Sprite.  Needless to say, as I got older I was not a fan of this family recipe.  Except for a...
This event was sponsored by our friends at Dream Dinners Pinecrest. What is Dream Dinners? A while ago, I learned that time is the most valuable currency you can possess. Why? Because it is the only asset that nobody can give...
Before becoming a Mom, brunch was usually a last minute, late afternoon event. Now, as a mom of two busy little boys, I still love to go out on the weekends and enjoy one of my favorite meals. Our...

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