I’ve always loved Halloween. When I was a kid, I looked forward to my costume every year–raiding every closet in the house for pieces and props to pull it all together. Even if it did eventually end up being covered up with a coat.
To my surprise, my enjoyment of Halloween only grew as I got older. When I was too old to trick-or-treat, it was my job to stay at the house and hand out candy while my parents took my sister around the neighborhood. Of course, I still got to wear a costume. But I hadn’t realized how much fun it was to see all of our neighbors when they came by! The costumes were creative, the little ones were adorable, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood as they went door-to-door around the cul de sac. It was FUN!

As a mom, Halloween has looked different from year to year. We’ve done harvest festivals, trick-or-treating at the mall, and even a drive-thru trunk-or-treat during covid. But my favorite way to experience Halloween continues to be good ol’ fashioned neighborhood trick-or-treating. The costumes are still creative and the little ones are always adorable–but what really stands out to me now are the built-in opportunities to meet and show hospitality to our neighbors that Halloween provides. Especially here in Miami, where we’re always coming and going, exchanging hellos and goodbyes without really engaging with the people living closest to us.
So, what does that look like? Here are 3 ways to practice hospitality this Halloween:
Stay Home on Halloween Night
Get a bunch of candy, light up the jack o’ lantern, turn on the porch light and be ready to answer the door! If you live in a neighborhood where kids trick-or-treat, make your front porch welcoming so kids and their parents know you’re expecting them. When the doorbell rings, open the door with a smile and hand out good candy! Say hello, Happy Halloween, and comment on your trick-or-treaters’ great costumes. Genuinely greet and introduce yourself to other parents, many of whom you’ll likely recognize from around the neighborhood. Chances are that–even if they’re having fun–they’re tired after a long day and have already seen disappointed looks on their kids’ faces after someone else didn’t answer the door.
If harvest festivals or other events are your thing, consider hitting those up another day so you can be home to meet, greet, and engage with your neighbors on Halloween night. I mean, it’s the one night of the year when people are literally coming to your door. What a great opportunity to practice hospitality!

Host or Organize a Casual Get-Together
Casual is the key here. Genuine hospitality has an approachable authenticity to it that’s easy to miss when the focus is on entertainment. Are there a few moms you know in your building or on your block? Why not plan a casual playdate or game night and invite that new mom who just moved in? Have everyone bring a snack or beverage to share and hang out while the kids play together. Simple but meaningful–with a lot of relationship-building potential.
Stay Connected
As you greet your neighbors and engage with them on Halloween, look for 1 or 2 neighbors or families you can serve or connect with after the jack o’ lanterns are thrown away and the decorations come down. Is there a family who’s new to Miami and trying to figure things out here? Invite them to meet up at the park and ask how they’re adjusting. Is there a family with a newborn? Make it a point to check in and offer to bring them a meal or swing by with a pack of diapers. Or invite Mom to join you for one of our monthly Moms’ Night Out events when she needs some adult interaction because… IYKYK. There are lots of creative ways to practically serve our neighbors. And opportunities to create genuine connection–through simple acts of hospitality–abound on Halloween.
Wear Costumes, Eat Candy, and Call Dr. Bob
Halloween can be fun for the whole family. So get out there and enjoy it! Wear the costumes, eat some candy, and then call Dr. Bob! Let that trick-or-treat candy be a reminder to get the kids back to the dentist for their routine exams and cleanings.
Conveniently located in the heart of South Miami, Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist is accepting new patients and would love to serve your family! He and his team are committed to providing the exceptional care your child deserves. From routine procedures like cleanings, sealants, and x-rays to fillings, extractions, and frenectomies, you’ll be in the best hands. Call the office at 305-397-8214 or click here to schedule an appointment online.
However you decide to celebrate, Dr. Bob and his team hope you and your kids have a safe and happy Halloween!