I should have seen it coming. Just a few weeks shy of my son’s 5th birthday, he casually mentioned that one of his teeth felt weird. Totally immersed in my after-school routine of getting the baby down for her nap, I kind of half registered what he was saying as I asked a series of basic questions.
Does it hurt?
When did it start?
Did it bother you at lunch?
Can I see it?
Pointing to one of his bottom teeth, he said it felt like it was going to fall out.
That’s when I freaked out. I distinctly remember fastening the diaper on the baby and reaching for my phone, ready to call the dentist for an emergency appointment. How and why was my kid’s tooth falling out?!
And then I remembered one of his classmates who’d recently lost her two front teeth.
He simply had a loose tooth.
Looking back, I just have to laugh. But we’ve all been there, haven’t we? Something seems suddenly amiss and we’re on the phone with the dentist or pediatrician to make sure our kid is okay.

Here are a few common dental issues in kids many parents have questions about, answered by none other than Dr. Bob!
“Shark Teeth”
Sometimes the first permanent bottom teeth begin coming in before the baby teeth fall out, and it appears as if your child has two rows of teeth. This is a very common occurrence, but also the reason behind most of the emergency calls Dr. Bob receives. The good news is that though there are some cases where the baby teeth need to be extracted, most of the time the baby teeth will come out with a little extra wiggling.
Tooth Brushing Power Struggles
Many parents experience this frustration when it comes to this important aspect of their child’s dental hygiene routine. Whether it happens before school or at the end of a long day when it’s already past bedtime–it’s tough when a child doesn’t want to brush their teeth. Dr. Bob says he often hears this from parents of young children who won’t willingly allow their teeth to be brushed.
Though the reality is that not many kids take to brushing easily, Dr. Bob says the best thing to do is to try to make it fun! He recommends letting them pick their own toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing with them as a family, and not giving in. Letting them get away with not brushing their teeth will teach them that it’s not important and it will be even harder to get them to start–not to mention cavities and significant dental treatment down the road. Check out this post
for more tips and ideas for instilling self-care habits in our kids. And this song from Raffi has been a lifesaver for us on more than one occasion!

One of the most common questions Dr. Bob is asked during exams is what kind of toothpaste kids should use. The answer? Any toothpaste the patient likes that has fluoride in it is what he recommends. Whether the toothpaste is blue or green or has princesses, minions, Toy Story characters, or dinosaurs on the tube–as long as it has fluoride in it, it’s a great choice. The key, though, is using an age-appropriate amount of fluoride toothpaste. For children under age 3, only a grain of rice sized smear should be used for brushing. For children ages 3-6, a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is sufficient.
The Doctor Is In!
Dr. Bob loves being a resource to Miami moms. Miami Mom Collective has had the privilege of partnering with his practice, Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist, to bring you lots of helpful information and resources related to pediatric dentistry. Whether you’re wondering about when to schedule that first dental appointment, have questions about other common dental issues like lip or tongue-tie revisions, or breaking a thumb-sucking habit, he and his team are happy to answer your questions and offer support.
The start of a new year is a great time to schedule the kids’ routine dental exams and cleanings. Dr. Bob and his team follow the strictest protocols for cleanliness and have incorporated increased safety protocols to ensure your child(ren)’s safety and give you peace of mind. As a small boutique practice, they’re able to customize the care they provide to each of their patients. And in addition to their regular office hours, Dr. Bob is also available around the clock for dental emergencies (because stuff always happens after hours, right?!). Call the office at 305-397-8214 or click here to schedule an appointment today!
Love the tip of making it fun. My son just lost his first tooth and he is about to turn 5 so I feel you there on the panic mode totally on.
Yes! Sometimes I wish there’d been footage of my freak out, haha.
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