Beach Body, Mom Body, or Somewhere in Between


Beach Body, Mom Body, or Sowmewhere in Between Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Being a mom keeps us on our toes, actually we spend hours running around making sure that everything is put away organized, or at least where it’s supposed to be when it’s supposed to be there. Half the time we struggle to take care of body and our health. The reality is that this habit should be the priority and one of our most important jobs.

We tend to let the days just pass by grabbing the quickest snack possible and then really working hard to simply finish off the day. Guess what my friends, it only takes a few changes. If we changed some of these habits and gave ourselves some healthier choices, we would have more energy. We could actually do more in our crazy days. With summer in full swing, and bikini season being what it is, let’s make a deal. It’s time to stop the dieting, the feeling that you’re being deprived, and the feeling that you have to self medicate with a cookie. I want to teach you just a few tricks so that lean living becomes part of your daily habit without feeling like it’s a challenge.

1. Watch your sugars, it’s not just sugar, it’s sugar, flour, dairy, and alcohol.

Your body treats these all the same. If you have too much “sugar”, it will get stored around the midsection and the thighs. From now on make a choice, you only get 0 to 1 sugars per meal and snack. It’s about choices, if your choice is coffee, cream, and sugar for breakfast, then you better eat that with a good quality protein, like eggs and avocado, instead of cereal and milk.

2. Make water your main liquid of choice, shhh… remember this… your urine should be clear.

Hydration is the center for everything. You can’t lose body fat on a treadmill if you’re dehydrated. Actually, you tear down muscle tissue and then wonder why the fat’s not going away. On the same note, if you’re dehydrated, your body actually loses energy and you feel exhausted and don’t know why.

3. Get moving and start lifting heavy things!

Make yourself move, walk the stairs, park far away, all these things are actually going to change your body. They’re all part of your exercise routine. If you’re a SuperMom, like I know most of you are, you don’t have 60 minutes to dedicate to going to the gym. Make your daily routine incorporate activity that makes you burn some extra calories and some fat. It’s all about moving, increase your heart rate, and breaking out into a bit of a sweat.

With all this said, this summer is a great time for you to make self-care part of your daily routine. If you’re not 100% ready to put on that bikini, just start making these changes and allow your body to change slowly, it will, and guess what… Your changes will be permanent, unlike some of the fad diet‘s that you’ve gone through throughout the years, just sayin’.

With Love and Light,
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Adita Yrizarry-Lang is a best-selling author, speaker and holistic lifestyle coach. She’s a mother of 2 which is her greatest claim to fame! Adita is a big-hearted entrepreneur and thought leader. She started out as a fitness instructor over 30 years ago, training other fitness professional in various modalities world-wide. She recognized that individuals were struggling to change their bodies and health, and formulated her 4 Pillars of Health – exercise and movement, food and nutrition, sleep and relaxation, and happiness - as a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Her ferocious appetite to coach individuals and groups to better health has driven her to speak at various Fortune 500 companies, schools, and private organizations on the benefits of quality foods, longevity, and amazing health. Adita’s mission…encourage individuals to live Inspired. She wants to bring out the challenges and offer solutions to make SuperPowers shine and life thrive on! SuperPowers, A Busy Woman's Guide to Health and Happiness and SuperPowers of the Family Kitchen can be found on Amazon or at www.ADITALANG.COM. Follow me on INSTAGRAM @AditaLang