Spring Is in the Air, The Foundation of Health for the Entire Family


Spring is in the Air, The Foundation of Health for the Entire Family Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Health and wellness is a family matter. You are building the foundation of health for your children and maintaining that same foundation for yourself and your spouse. Even in the craziest of households, health is an integral factor that will actually make your day-to-day much easier to handle.

No matter how old your kids are, activity is a basic part of growth and development. When they are toddlers, it creates the foundation of coordination and strength, and as they get older it also assists in skill and developmental growth. This all leads to confidence and skills for years to come.

I initially grew up a sissy. Oh yes, I am admitting it right here.

It wasn’t until I was 16 that I started to become obsessed with exercise and strength training. Looking back, I wish I had started so much earlier. But no matter what, muscle has memory. For any of the times that I had to place my fitness on pause, I was blessed to be able to recuperate in a jiff!

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Your children spend so many hours in school, doing homework, and on their select electronic devices. This spring, get them outside–running, jumping, or even playing a favorite sport. It’s not something to force them to do, though. Make it fun instead of a chore. Taking your kids to the playground to run around and actually taking your time to chase them is a calorie burning endeavor that helps everyone out. You don’t even have to be there for hours, 30 minutes will do the trick.

Spring is in the Air, The Foundation of Health for the Entire Family Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Every time you increase your heart rate, as well as your children’s, you boost the metabolism.

I chase my kids in the parking lot, just to get a little jolt. Then on the flip side, the more activity they do, the more clear their minds are, the calmer their bodies are, and the easier focusing becomes. Not to mention the strength they develop both in their heart and muscles–you too for that matter.

It’s the little things that make a huge difference. When you “play” with your kids, you burn calories and create an amazing bond that will last a lifetime. And that play is not limited to the playground, the kitchen counts as well.

Helping your children cultivate a love for healthy meals is a gift.

Gifting your children with a love of creating healthy meals is something they will take with them to college. The younger you start them the easier it becomes, and the easier trying new foods will be. When you get your children to get messy in the kitchen they are more apt to try new things and to have a healthier pallet. Just like the foundation of their strength and fitness, the foundation of their pallet is created by… you. The food choices you give them and supply in the home is the foundation for the foods they will eat once they move out.

Even if you are dealing with the pickiest of eaters, it’s important to instill healthy choices, without giving into the junk just because you think they won’t eat. This is the one thing I see with so many parents. It’s like they freak out thinking their child will starve, so they give in and pacify them with refined carbohydrates. Unfortunately, this tactic only leads to sugar addiction since sugar, flour, and dairy all break down like sugar. And this leads to a battle at meal time. Food is nourishment. Think of it that way, and be sure to engage with your children in the kitchen to expand their flavors. This will lead to much easier meal times. Granted the mess in the kitchen may be bigger than usual, but it will all be worth it when you see your grown up children eating like champs!

Remember, you’re creating a foundation. Make it strong and powerful, and give it the ability to withstand any disease or injury that may come it’s way!

With love and light,