Spring has sprung and ladies (and gents for those of you who may be reading). Your home decor is begging for a refresh. And if you’re like me, you have a list of 47 home updates to make and a budget to complete 3. I get it. I GET YOU. So I, your in-house Miami Moms Blog interior designer (haha), am here to share with you 6 easy home décor updates to make right now. These are manageable, affordable (mostly) and will have you entering into this new spring season a bit more calm, excited and ready to have all the play dates and happy hours your heart desires.
Just Add Greens
Get yourself 1-2 new plants to help bring the outdoors in. Studies have proven that house plants improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15%), reduce stress levels, and boost your mood. My go-to source for plants in Miami is Pebble and Vine in Miami Shores. Cutest plant store in all the land.

New Atmosphere, Same Furniture
Rearrange! How many of you loved rearranging your bedroom in middle school? Or am I the only geeky interior person who loved this? Anyways, rearrange a room. It could be your living room, a playroom or even your bedroom. Think differently and try to plan out the room in a new way. It doesn’t cost you a dime and it often feels like a brand-new space.

Purge the Goods
Marie Kondo, let’s go! Yes, that lady is a genius and yes, I agree with her. But let’s not go crazy (unless you want to). Just do this: go through every single room and remove 1 home decor item that doesn’t bring you joy. Donate it or throw it away or give it to a friend. I realize this is the opposite for Marie Kondo’s strategy but I’m Ann Ueno and I’m giving you some quick and easy solutions here, people.

Paint that Room
Yes, more time consuming, but your walls are ready for some love and this home decor update will give you loads of joy. Choose one room you have been wanting to paint and do it. Hire someone or do it yourself. Some colors I’m loving right now are Behr Blueprint, Johanna Gaines Rainy Days and Cavern Clay by Sherwin Williams
. Oh and let’s talk white for one second. To me, and keep in mind that I am an interior designer, white paint is the hardest paint to choose. No question. It gives me anxiety. One resource I have used a lot in the last year is this article from Elle Décor which lists the best white paints according to top interior designers. You’re welcome.

Print the Pictures, Frame the Pictures, Display the Pictures
As a designer, I would say out of the top 3 challenges my clients face, 1 of them is not printing pictures. And thus, not framing or displaying them. Did you know displaying photos prominently in the home sends the message that your family and those in it are important to one another? Did you know that it helps boost a child’s self-esteem? Yes and yes. As a working mom that strives to creatively mother my daughter, I want to maximize any way I can encourage and lift Zoey up (and my husband, too!). And I would bet you are reading this thinking, “Oh man, I have so many pictures I want to print.” Just do it. You will thank me. Oh and bonus, I have worked with Framed and Matted and they have incredible products that I recommend!

Update Your Pillows
This one is one of the easiest home decor updates to make. Go out and buy (or shop from the comfort of your sofa) new throw pillows. Perhaps for your living room or your bedroom, but a space that you occupy enough for this to be worth it. I source pillows from so many places but my go-tos are CB2, West Elm, Target(duh), Urban Outfitters Home and for a splurge, McGee and Co.

I could go on and on. But if you start with this list of 6 home decor updates to make right now, I think this next season at home will be that much better. Happy decorating!