Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida: A Lifetime of Memories

This post is sponsored by Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida.

 “On My Honor, I will try, to serve God and my country, to help people at all times and to live by the Girl Scout Law”.

What a valuable and life long lesson that simple pledge imprinted on my then, 7-year-old heart. The fact that I memorized that even till today (not kidding!) makes it even more meaningful. It applied to me then (circa year 1996), when I was a Brownie and then a Junior. But it applies even more today. The meaning behind this pledge represents humanity and respect. The Girl Scouts not only instills this in the young ladies of our community but nationally as well. Now more than ever, there is no greater pledge for our girls.

Check out this gem my mom found of my Junior Pinning Ceremony!

Who are Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida?

Girl Scouts is the preeminent leadership development organization for all girls ages 5- 18. They can be found from coast to coast and across the globe offering every girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure, and success. Our council here in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida, strives to do just that! Nationally, Girl Scouts is 2.5 million strong – more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-Taker, Leader) to change the world.

As a Girl Scout, I always looked forward to our annual camping trips. I’m happy to report that my favorite camp site, Camp Mahachee is still up and running! It’s the closest thing to “glamping” and one big slumber party. A dream come true for any girl! 
My troop took these camping trips very seriously and we used the time to earn badges as well. My proudest moment was earning the (now called) Eco-Camper badge. We made an entire dinner and S’mores for dessert! We also enjoyed scavenger hunts, hikes, and other activities with our own troop and the other troops across Miami. 
Things like singing Christmas Carols to the elderly and learning how to make cookies in an “oven” from aluminum foil and a cardboard box are things a girl can never forget. It is no wonder that even after all these years; the focus of Girl Scouts continues to empower girls to explore STEM, entrepreneurship, and outdoor experiences. They even have new badges that all align with just that!

Experience Girl Scouts for Free!

While in quarantine, the Girl Scouts are currently hosting several free and virtual events for girls entering kindergarten through 3rd grade. Because their goal includes empowering all girls, children do not even have to be a Girl Scout member to participate!

They’ll be hosting things like Robot Building Classes and Animal Dance Parties! Be sure to check out their events page for the most up to date information.

If you have a special kindergartener in your life, make sure to check out their upcoming Make New Friends Event here: happening Tuesday, August 4, 2020 through Friday, August 7, 2020. This four-part virtual series will surely boost your girl’s social skills and self-confidence while learning to focus and thrive in a classroom or virtual setting.

There’s way more to the Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida than just their delicious cookies! You can check out exactly what they have to offer here. It is sure to be a family-fun season for your special girl. Memories, friendships, and skills that are guaranteed to last a lifetime!

Check out the Girl Scout Sampler Programs!

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  1. I love reading the evolution of Girl Scouts and how they’ve grown with our future generations of leaders! It’s so nice to hear about all the other Girl Scouts that enjoyed their time too! Thank you for bringing back these memories, Krystal!!!!

    • I had so much fun writing about it! Looking through the pictures was fun too! I love how much they have evolved while maintaining the same values!

  2. This is so great! It’s so wonderful to hear how your experience is something that makes such a meaningful imprint in your life and is something you can take with you forever :):) Such an empowering activity for young girls :):)

    • I think more than ever we need this new generation of girls to feel empowered! Thank you for reading and your support, my friend!

  3. Reading this took me back to my days as a Brownie! I wish I could have continued on with Girl Scouts as I got older. Should a great experience and lasting memories.

    • A great experience indeed! It was so fun to relive those memories! Thank you for reading, my friend!

  4. I can’t wait till my daughter is a bit older to join the Daisys! She is 4 and going into VPK this year.
    She will really enjoy it and honestly so would I.
    Thanks for sharing this story!

    • Aw so soon! Girl Scouts is such an awesome organization! It will be wonderful when your daughter can participate! Maybe you could be her Troop Leader!!

    • I think if I would have bugged my mom enough about joining I would have been able to join as a Daisy. She didn’t give in (and become my troop leader) until the year to become a Brownie. I say go for it! She will learn so many awesome things and life lessons! Check out their IG for all of their FREE and VIRTUAL events in the meantime! Can’t wait to see future pictures 🙂

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