Starting a business has always been part of the American Dream. Never in a million years, did I think I would be the owner of my own business, but life changes you and your desires evolve. I have owned Quintessential Party Planning for about a year and a half and it has given me so much joy that I would love other moms to feel the same way about starting their own business. Here are some of my tips on how to start a business.

Take the Plunge: Starting Your Business
The feeling is in you. You know what you want to do, SO DO IT ALREADY!
Stop making excuses, head over to and open that business! Without this step, your business won’t feel legit. Once you have done this, the fun begins. Order some new business cards, open up a social media account, and launch your website!
Social Media Is your Best Friend
I cannot express enough how important social media will be when starting a business. As a matter of fact, I would not be writing this post right now if it weren’t for social media and the connections it has brought me.
I have used social media to reach out to amazing businesses such as Miami Moms Blog. Something that started with a simple phone call to offer my services, has turned into me becoming part of their Executive Team and has opened up the door of opportunity in so many ways.
This tool has been the most valuable tool for my business. It has helped me expose my work and connect with potential clients. Think of it as virtual business card/portfolio.
Show up to Events
Having a virtual presence is crucial, but having a physical presence is even bigger! Nothing compares to making face to face connections. Get to know your target market and assist events that attract your target market. If you have a children’s clothing company, go to children’s events. If you have a pet grooming company, go to animal events. By doing this, you’re giving a face to your company and people appreciate that a lot more than you think.
Attend summits
One thing I have learned is to always reinvest in your business. Save a little money and attend workshops, conventions and summits that are relevant to your business.
Back in the summer I attended the Gather and Soar Summit and I obtained a plethora of information. You’d be surprised how much knowledge you can gain from going to one of these. Usually you’ll meet people who have been in the industry for more years than you have and they teach you what works and what doesn’t. You’ll be able to avoid making the same mistakes they did when they started.
Give Back
In the beginning, you’ll find yourself doing a lot of free work. Believe me it will not all be in vain, just choose wisely. Some free work when first starting a business will be worth every penny and some free work will make you feel used and abused, but it’s all part of the process.
Donating your work or product will help you gain the exposure that you need in the beginning, and if your product or service is truly amazing, you won’t be having to offer it for free for very long.
Thinking about starting a business? Tell us about in the comments below! Typing it out will make it feel real!