Well, we have all been through it the past few months, right? ? We definitely have all been through this together. Never did most of us think this pandemic would happen.
What I have learned in 2020 is that WE aren’t in control at all. God is in complete control of our lives. We have to trust the process and live day by day.?? Many of us were just going a mile a minute, not stopping, planning, and strategizing our next move. Then this happened and that was all out the window. No school, travel, restaurants, malls, no sports, concerts… nothing.
Some of the things I have learned during this time:
1. Trust GOD for everything. He is in complete control and not worry and just give it to him.
2. To be more in the moment with my kids. Many of us had gotten away from dinner as a family, home cooking, board games, playing outside, etc. This brought us back to what was important.
3. Appreciate the “little things” such as nature, birds chirping, the sound of water, the appreciation of our South, FL warmth, palm trees, and the great outdoors. I have never been more grateful to live in South Florida than now. Right?
4. The appreciation for teachers and school. Personally, I have never wanted to homeschool. We as moms now truly appreciate teachers, school, lunches, extracurricular activities, breaks, and all the things the schools offer. We have seen firsthand what our kids act like in the day. Their attention span, focus, etc. It has given me even more appreciation and gratitude for teachers. On another note, it has been nice having the kids home and really getting to spend quality time with them.
5. It gave me a greater appreciation for hair salons, nail salons, beaches, etc. All the things we took that for granted before… just to walk in and get our manicure and pedi whenever. Many of us have had to color our own hair
, do our own manicures and pedicures. We have even learned to cut our husband’s and children’s hair. That was nerve-racking!
6. We have a greater appreciation for the connection of social media. The ability to connect with friends and family all over. Imagine if we didn’t have that during this time? We realized we could thrive with working “side hustles” during this time.
Overall I feel this Corona Quarantine has been good for us as a country just to STOP, REFLECT, and REJUVENATE our souls.
Obviously, it has been horrible and devastating for those that have been sick or lost lives. But I feel that this time has brought our FAITH back more as a country and for that I am grateful.
Let me know your feelings about this whole thing. What have you learned or taken away from this whole experience?
Comment below and follow me on Instagram for encouragement during this time.
Thanks Dacie for this great post, it is so important to reflect in the positive side! Stay safe
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