Miami Mom Collective Welcomes MIA Mom Cecilia Díaz Candelas


Hola, I’m Cecilia Díaz Candelas, and don’t like to talk much about myself. But I guess there are situations where you can’t avoid the matter of making others think you know yourself. So here’s a try: I have three children and a saint as a husband. We just celebrated 15 years of marriage. He should definitely be beatified after these 15 years. Also, we love an amazing dog we ‘rescued’ from amongst coffee farms in Manatí, Puerto Rico. He seemed very happy at the farms. But now he has food available every day and two girls that adore him and put bows and princess costumes on him. I guess we girls are lucky to have two saints living amongst us and a third coming May 2022.

Cecilia with her husband and their daughters


My current home is Puerto Rico but have family members and friends in Miami. I am looking forward to traveling to Miami more often in the coming months for school and blog-related work. I love the fact that I can speak English or Spanish anywhere in Miami, depending where my brain wakes up that day. That flexibility and diversity makes it a wonderful city to raise bilingual children

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‘Mom’ is just a really hard word to ‘define’ and at the same time it kind of means the world to every human being. Every motherhood journey is exceptionally unique and mine is no different. But I won’t start at the start today. I’ll tell a little bit of my last couple years, for now, which have to do with starting my journey as a biological mom. 

I lost my first pregnancy and it was a very devastating and weird lonely pain I can’t even explain today. Now I have two girls ages 3 and 6 (not without its levy of hardcore post-partum depressions

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) and a baby boy coming May 2022. We had our firstborn 9 years after marrying. Having a career is an important value in my family of origin. But having a family of my own has definitely taken a toll on having a ‘stable’ career, if something like it exists. I would not exchange the time invested in my babies for anything in the world. But it’s still a pain and loss I struggle with. Nonetheless motherhood has made me way stronger as it compels me to know myself, be creative and design a business life tailored to my needs as a mom, wife and gardener.

My husband and lover of 15 years makes me very proud and delighted of his fatherhood. This marriage definitely makes me a better mom and person for my children and people around me. Thanks in most part to counseling 😉 and a loving non-judgemental church community. Not our own efforts, trust me.

Even though we live in a humble but beautiful Puerto Rico, I am very happy to say my children are having a lovely childhood in which memories will build their character and happiness for decades and the life struggles that may come. That fills me up with joy and satisfaction.


I always wanted to be a mom but was terrified about it. Then we lived at a community at Covenant Theological Seminary where I could see many women thrive as moms as well as practitioners of their respective vocations and callings. Living amongst a community of flourishing moms challenged my perspective and assumptions about motherhood and made me more confident in my capabilities and calling to finally become a mom, just how I wanted from childhood. My body was perfectly designed for it, even when it had failed my first baby. I could embrace this drastic life-changing adventure imperfectly with a fresh and emboldening perception provided by this community of moms around me.

The main reason I decided to contribute to Miami Mom Collective is that it is necessary for me to belong to a community of women that share and receive diverse stories that feed each other’s hearts and minds and prepare us for the joys, tasks, and sorrows of real-life as moms.


  1. Bienvenidos Cecilia! So happy you have joined the team. You have much to offer the Miami community through your perspective and I look forward to reading your posts!

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