The Miami Moms Blog Team is GROWING!
The Miami Moms Blog team is growing! We are looking for local women who are passionate about motherhood and who want to share their experiences with other women in Miami and beyond. Miami Moms Blog exists to encourage, equip, and empower Moms in Miami thorough relevant content and a meaningful community.
We aim to include moms in all stages of the motherhood journey. We love hearing from moms of young children, moms of older children, moms of adult children, married moms, single moms, moms who have fostered or adopted, moms of multiples, moms of children with special needs, and women who long to become mothers but might be battling infertility. Our goal is to grow our diverse group of contributors with women who want to connect with other moms in Miami and the surrounding areas.
We are accepting applications for Contributors (English, Spanish & Portuguese Writers) and we are also accepting applications to serve on our Events Team.
Do you love to write? Apply to join our Contributor Team!
Do you love to organize, entertain, and have fun? Apply to join our Special Events Team!
These are volunteer positions with some great perks! If you are interested, please complete the form below to apply. If you know someone who would be a great addition to our team we hope you’ll tell them about this opportunity!
The application deadline is Monday, January 20, 2020.
*Note: You do not need to be a blogger to apply. This is a volunteer role with some fun perks!
If you’re selected to join our team, here’s what you can expect:
What you GIVE:
- Your passion for moms, kids, and the Miami area.
- Reliability, integrity, team spirit, and your own unique, fun perspective.
- Initial 3 Month Commitment of two original posts per month which fits within the brand and mission of Miami Moms Blog, then 1 post per month for the remainder of the year.
- An active presence on social media.
- Your presence, when possible, at Miami Moms Blog events and contributor gatherings
- Availability for in-person Team Gatherings hosted a few times per year.
Events Team:
- Participation in at least 1 event per quarter
What you GET:
- Your photo and bio on the Miami Moms Blog Team webpage
- Links to your personal blog and/or social media handles (if you choose to share them) in your author bio below your articles
- Involvement in the MMB Team Facebook Group
- Information and Professional Development Training Opportunities in SEO, Social Media & more
- Opportunities to test out products and/or services before reviewing them on MMB
- Editing provided by MMB’s Content Editor on every post you submit
- Exclusive discounts and access to pre-sale tickets to MMB events as available
- New friendships and the amazing opportunity to influence and encourage local Moms
How to Apply
Complete the application below by January 20th. Please include the link to your blog OR a writing sample. A representative from Miami Moms Blog will contact you directly by January 24th if your application is accepted.
What are you waiting for? Let’s encourage, equip & empower Miami Moms together!
Applications are closed.