Miracle Morning: One Habit That Will Make a World of Difference


School and schedules are starting soon!

Summer sped by so fast! My dad always used to tell me the older you get, the faster time flies by. This is so true! Now that I have been a mom for over 12 years, I have learned the importance of getting up early before the kids do.

Miracle Morning: One Habit That Will Make a World of Difference Dacia Wiegandt Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Why, you ask?

You will feel so productive.

You won’t fly off the handle as much with your kids in the morning because you have had YOUR time.

You will be more strategic in your job & as a mom.

Miracle Morning: One Habit That Will Make a World of Difference Dacia Wiegandt Contributor Miami Moms Blog

I personally started to join the 5 o’clock club a few years ago. It wasn’t easy but it was a must for all that I needed to get done in the day. You can add an extra day to your week by waking up at 5 am!!! I am not going to lie, it’s really hard at first. You have to get mentally prepared to do it.

Things that help:
        •       Write out your 10 most important things to get done the next day.
        •       Lay out your work out clothes & clothes for the day the night before.
        •       Set your phone alarm and set an extra one too.
        •       Do not snooze! Just get up, go straight to the bathroom, brush your teeth and drink water.

I call this time my MIRACLE MORNING

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This time includes
        •       Prayer time
        •       Reading a chapter in a self-help or leadership book
        •       Reading over your goals & affirmations
        •       Working out
        •       Coffee time/reflection
        •       Breakfast
        •       Get dressed/make-up

Miracle Morning: One Habit That Will Make a World of Difference Dacia Wiegandt Contributor Miami Moms Blog

This is such an important time for you as a mom. That way when the kids get up your cup has been filled. You are ready to love & serve your kids because your tank is full.

This will make a world of difference for you.

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Try it! I would say to get used to it, start with waking up 30 minutes earlier the first day… then 45… then 60 minutes. You will also need to go to bed by 10 pm or it will be really hard to get up.

What I have found by doing this is I feel more accomplished as a wife, mom, & GIRLBOSS!

Let’s say we give it a try in AUGUST, Moms? Follow me along for encouragement @nsddacia

Love ya,