As I scrolled through Instagram at the beginning of this milestone year, I came across a meme poking fun at people’s inability to keep New Year’s resolutions. My first thought was, how rude! We are trying to better ourselves, and our failure should be no laughing matter.
Then I told myself to lighten up! After all, it’s true. Most of us have been there. We start out with the best intentions and are ready to go. And, then… life happens. Some of us get busy. Some of us get sick. Some of us face unexpected tragedy. Some of us get life-changing news. And, some of us even realize that we were happy to begin with and don’t need so much change.
But, whatever the reason for not going through with them may be, the truth is that unfulfilled New Year’s resolutions weigh on us. But they should not. Whether we stick to our New Year’s resolutions or not does not define us. In fact, every new month, every new moon, every new week and every new day gives us a chance for a fresh start.
This year, I’ve decided to not let the “New Year, New You” spirit get me down.
I am trying something new altogether. I am saying goodbye to New Year’s resolutions and welcoming the New Year as a time for gratitude instead. I am making it my moment to reflect on the year that has passed, and envision what’s ahead with a thankful mind.
I mean, January is the perfect time to give thanks! I was so lucky to spend time with family and loved ones and rejoiced in countless moments of holiday cheer. And now I am fortunate enough to welcome a brand new year.
So, instead of focusing on things I want, I am focusing on giving thanks. I picked up a piece of paper and pen and wrote down what I’m most grateful for. This January, I’m going to keep this attitude of gratitude going (and who knows I may keep it up all year).
And, guess what? There’s an app for that! There are several actually.
I chose Gratitude Happiness Journal for IOS, and I absolutely love it. It’s a no-frills place to type in what I’m grateful for as often as I want. There are no rules- you can keep it short or take it long. You can write daily or weekly (or even multiple times a day). You can set up or skip reminders, and make it work for you. Another one worth exploring is Grateful: Gratitude Journal, which allows you to reflect even further with prompts and additional features. I think I will work my way up to that one.
If apps aren’t for you, then there are countless gratitude journals to choose from. But, if this is starting to feel like too much work, then write it on a cocktail napkin or on the back of your hand.
The point is to take a minute to give thanks, forget the weight of New Year’s resolutions and find joy in having an attitude of gratitude!