Can you feel it? Summer is HERE! Teachers are cheering and parents are screaming and we are just getting started. For many families, summer equates to traveling and signing up for summer camp. As a first timer in the world of summer camps, I want to share a few ways our family is getting ready to spend some days at camp.
Our Heart
My little one is very attached, especially with places and people he doesn’t know. Even though we are choosing a summer camp at a place he knows with people he knows I can assure you there will be tears. Insert the SHARPIE! On the first morning, I’ll draw a heart with a sharpie on the side of his hand (by his thumb). That way, he can look at it when he feels sad. I’ll draw the same heart on my hand to show that we both miss each other but will see each other soon. This little heart saved us when he started PreK. I’m hoping it does the same as we embark on this new journey.
What to Wear
As we get closer to the start date we will be looking into a “uniform” they can wear. Most summer camps will sell or provide you with a shirt to wear, but some don’t. A quick trip to Walmart or Target for some plain colored t-shirts and shorts will help us get through the morning rush to get dressed. Their uniforms will be ready to grab and go, should be light and cool, and will help us stay in the routine of wearing a uniform.
Getting Organized
Trips and shows are where the memories happen. We plan to be ready for field trips with a clear bag that they can take anywhere. A waterproof bookbag or drawstring bag is perfect for trips around the city. All of our bags always have a small zippered case where I place band-aids, a pack of wipes and tissues. I plan to do the same and even add a small sunblock. No matter where they go the bag will be ready to grab and go. After tossing in lunch of course!
What’s for lunch?
Oh and lunch! I almost forgot about you! As if the 180 days of school wasn’t enough lunch for camp is also a to-do. If your camp includes it, and you can afford it, DO IT! If not, sit down and make a list of things they enjoy. Have them choose food from the rainbow, allowing them to mix in fruits and veggies with some treats. Stick the list on your fridge and you have a set menu on what to make. Our Ohana is working on being even more intentional with our use of plastic. Reusable snack and sandwich bags have been ordered and will be the key pieces along with a soft lunchbox to place it all in.
The last piece of advice would be to make sure they are involved. It’s easy for us to do it all and have it ready for them but they take ownership after being part of the process. From clothes to food to labeling to learning how to put on sunblock, always remember that these little people will grow up to be adults one day! Summer camp is all about having fun and being exposed to so many amazing opportunities for growth, too.