Super Soccer Stars: An Awesome Choice for your Kids


In April, we enrolled our 3 1/2-year-old son Parker in Super Soccer Stars for the Spring term. It has been an absolute blast! When we started a few short weeks ago, he was so shy and reserved. Now he’s actively playing, running, and interacting in a brand new sport that I hope runs through his half Chilean blood. 

Thinking about putting your kids in soccer this year? Let’s talk about why you should check out Super Soccer Stars! 

Super Soccer Stars: An Awesome Choice for your Kids! Ana-Sofia DuLaney

Super Soccer Stars Enrollment 

Enrollment is completed on their website and is incredibly user-friendly. They have a variety of in-person Summer Camps and Classes for ages 2-12+. In the Miami-Dade area specifically, Soccer Stars has 8 locations for you to check out. Make sure to use code: MIAMOM20 for $20 off your child’s Summer Enrollment! You can use the class search page on their website to browse by zip code, neighborhood, days and time to find something that works with your schedule. They have weekday morning and afternoon classes as well as weekend classes all throughout the day. Included in enrollment is a Super Soccer Stars jersey to wear to practice. Talk about making it easy to get kids dressed each week!  We opted for the open classes with Soccer Stars but they also have Private Class and Camps available – they come to you anywhere in Miami, even your own backyard!

COVID-19 Protocols 

At Super Soccer Stars masks are discretionary and not required for children, especially while engaging in practice and running. This makes it easy for parents to make their own decisions for their children and their comforts/abilities. All this without forcing or excluding any child. To note, coaches wear their masks throughout practice. Siblings not registered for that particular class are also not allowed to participate to reduce risks. 

Parents are encouraged to bring their own ball for their child to reduce sharing. But, if you don’t wish to acquire your own, the coaches bring plenty extra to go around. 

To continue with safety measures, there is a weekly questionnaire check in for parents to fill out online to confirm neither we nor our children have been feeling ill or have been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19. 

Super Soccer Stars: An Awesome Choice for your Kids! Ana-Sofia DuLaney

COVID-19 no contact temperature checks on the kids’ arms.

Each practice begins with temperature checks of all kids as they arrive and prepare for their class! Parents socially distance themselves as they sit watching their kids. 

Weekly Classes 

The weekly practices are so convenient for busy schedules and parents. In my opinion, you can get your child out in fresh air and doing exercise without over committing yourself as a parent!

The soccer groups are split by ages and some include larger age groups convenient for siblings. The older the age groups get, the longer the practices are, taking into account our little ones’ attention spans! Super Soccer Stars’ age specific curriculum has been perfected over 20 years so you know they know their stuff.

Super Soccer Stars: An Awesome Choice for your Kids! Ana-Sofia DuLaney

Our Experience

I’ve really enjoyed the fact that Super Soccer Stars helps my child kids improve his listening skills and following directions while increasing his aerobic activity! I know you’ll feel the same. I absolutely love that a coach and an assistant coach are available during all classes to ensure that all kids are listening. They also provide them with individual guidance, if necessary. The coaches are hands on, active, animated, and fun, making each practice fun for the kids.  Isn’t that what is most important?

Our family highly recommends Super Soccers Stars! If you’re interested in starting right away, the Spring term has prorated rates and runs until June. Their Summer term is coming up in mid-June and they also offer Summer Camps!

Look no further and enroll your children in Super Soccer Stars! Don’t forget to use code MIAMOM20 for $20 off enrollment! 

Check out Super Soccer Stars on social media to stay connected!

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Ana-Sofia DuLaney
Ana-Sofia is a Miami native that chose to never leave her hometown. She attended FIU and is an attorney that graduated from the University of Miami School of Law. Ana-Sofia finally became more than friends with her childhood neighbor after over 10 years, and now they are happily married! She was a proud dog mom before she became a human mom, and after the birth of their now four-year-old son, Ana-Sofia has been lucky enough to work from home. In August 2021, their family grew by one more and they welcomed a new baby boy to the bunch! She loves traveling with her family but also loves staying home curled up on the couch. An avid Dave Matthews fan, Ana-Sofia is also a self proclaimed extroverted introvert, grammar freak, Harry Potter obsessed, Heat and UM cheering, and gardening loving mama that hopes she’s doing right by her sons while trying to reduce her ecological footprint. Follow her on Instagram as she tries to live each day fully @TheAnaMachine or her gardening journey on @GardeningInJeans