Helping Around the House: Why I Created a Chore Chart

Doing Chores Helping Around the House Why i create da chore chart Miami Moms Blog
Kids can have fun helping with the laundry.

When I was little, I would help my grandma who raised me do chores around the house. I’d sweep, do laundry, fold clothes and help her with the dishes. I felt so proud to be able to contribute and spend quality time with her. It made me feel like a “big” girl. As I grew up, my responsibilities increased and, to this day, I’m thankful to my grandma for teaching me to clean up after myself, be organized and help others. These were important life skills that I acquired early on and it’s been a huge benefit in my life.

Teaching Kids Responsibility

Now that I have kids, I created a chore chart with a list of things they can do to help around the house. Although the tasks vary, it’s about teaching them responsibility and good habits. I try to make it fun so I’ll play music or we’ll dance around while we help each other out. Some days, they’re super excited to help mommy and other days… well, let’s just say they complain or say they’re too tired. And that’s okay. Even if they just do one thing that day to help keep the house in order, I like to celebrate that proper behavior and thank them for helping.

Age-Appropriate Tasks

While some days they make their beds and clean up their room, other days they pick up toys or put away their laundry. My 7-year-old recently asked if she could do the dishes and I happily taught her how to do it. I’ll let her wash a few non-breakable items in the sink and she feels a sense of pride. I realize that over time the excitement will wear off and it will no longer be fun for them, but I think it’s important because it helps them become self-reliant and teaches them about teamwork since we’re working together to achieve the goals. I enjoyed doing chores with my grandma because I was learning something new while spending time bonding with her.

Sense of Accomplishment

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I also think it gives them a sense of accomplishment. My 4-year-old will grab her chore chart (even though she cannot read it yet) and ask me what she can do to help. When she finishes a task she proudly lets me know that she did it all by herself. She especially likes organizing her bed and carefully putting all her stuffed animals in their rightful place. It’s an almost-nightly process that’s NOT on her chore chart, but it’s something that she enjoys. And don’t you dare move them from their assigned places! One day she went into the bathroom and reorganized her drawers all by herself. She’s the organized one!

Having fun together
Vanessa with her daughters, Grace and Gianna

Play Time

My kids also get plenty of free time to play in their play room, be creative, watch a movie or go outside in the yard because I want them to have fun and enjoy being little. Our life does NOT revolve around their chore chart, but they’ve become more aware and usually try to clean up after themselves, which helps maintain the house.

If you’re looking for a free printable chore chart, I’ve included a link to the one I use.


  1. This chore chart is great because it’s written out for them to see and follow. It’s so important to instill this now when there young because the older they get the more difficult it gets to keep them on track. TGS

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