Your face gives your thoughts away!
Let’s be honest, how many times has a menacing thought run through your mind and quickly shown up on your face? Whether you were judging yourself, judging others… we’ve all been there. Okuuuuuur (Insert Cardi B voice)
What are your thoughts producing?
Our thoughts they have so much power. They can either build us up or bring us down. What kind of thoughts have you been entertaining? Are your thoughts brining you life or are your arrested by anxiety, jealousy, anger, bitterness, resentment, fill in the blank? How different would we all be if we choose to daily transform our thoughts and walk in truth and love?
I desire that today you would capture any consuming thoughts and gain a fresh perspective, through a few practical steps.
Guard Your thoughts
The definition of guard means, “to watch over in order to protect.” This action is not passive but it stands on guard ready to block anything that’s incoming. What action do you need to take to guard your thoughts? Maybe you need to practice thinking positively OR you need to stop watching TV that fuels your soul with negativity. Whatever it is, be mindful of it and take action to guard your thoughts.
Observe Your Thoughts
Observe your thoughts and what you are choosing to believe. Your thought have the power to bring life or death. When a negative or toxic thought creeps in, block it. How can I block it? Turn your thought from a – to a +! See a few examples below.
Expect the best of others (including yourself)
This may seem daunting but the goal is to practice not to be perfect. For example: “I made a huge mess trying to do everything at one time, I’m such an idiot. I swear I can’t stand myself sometimes, ahhhhhh!” (Transverse) “Next time I’ll try to do one thing at a time, be kind to yourself Abby!”
Expect the best of your spouse, ufff did I hit a nerve here?
- A quick reminder that your husband is human, imperfect and is bound to disappoint you. Often times we are quick to judge our husbands instead of expecting the best of them.
For example: “My husband didn’t answer my phone, he must not care about me, his job is more important than me!” (Transverse) “My husband must be so busy at work, I’m so thankful he has a job, I have to remind him that I’m thankful for his work ethic!”
Share your struggles with a friend you trust
Often when we say things out loud we either sound super ridiculous or we affirm our thoughts which helps us to go deeper in finding the root cause of our issue. In other words it’s good for you!
Sharing struggles with friends will lead you to support each other. A fresh perspective can help you to create a game plan for whatever issue you may be facing.
Be grateful
- Consequently, write down all of the blessings in your life and meditate on that. Let your heart be filled by all of the good things in your life and practice this as often as you need to. I believe that gratitude turns what we have into enough.
Photo by gabrielle cole on Unsplash
How can I pray for you today? Comment below and let me know, I’m a real person behind this screen and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Mucho amor,
Abby Ape’