Tooth Fairy Traditions From Around The World | Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist

This post is sponsored by our friends at Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist. All opinions are those of the author.

Of all the make-believe roles parents get to play, being the tooth fairy is my favorite! After my initial freak out over my son’s first loose tooth, it was fun to mark the occasion by introducing him to the tooth fairy.

Like in many American homes, we told him that if he left his lost tooth under his pillow, the tooth fairy would take it while he was sleeping and leave some money in its place. We even had a little tooth pillow I’d found at Target’s dollar spot that had a little pocket on the front for his tooth. He excitedly went to sleep that night, and I successfully snuck in and switched his tooth for $1. It’s a simple and fun little tradition to mark our kids’ growth.

Tooth Fairy Traditions Around the World

National Tooth Fairy Day happens twice a year on February 28th and August 22nd to highlight the American Dental Association‘s recommendation to have dental cleanings every 6 months. But did you know that many cultures have their own tooth fairy traditions? 

A little girl looking at a globe (Tooth Fairy Traditions From Around The World | Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist Lynda Lantz Contributor Miami Mom Collective)
Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash

Here are a few things I recently learned along with some fun children’s books about how people around the world celebrate this universal childhood milestone.

El Ratón Pérez

In many Latin American countries, children will leave their lost tooth under their pillow or in a box beside their bed for El Ratón Pérez who will take the tooth and leave some money. In Argentina, children place their lost teeth in a glass of water by their bed. When Ratoncito Pérez comes, he’ll take the tooth, drink the water, and leave some coins in the empty glass. The Tooth Fairy Meets El Ratón Pérez

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by Rene Colato Lainez is a sweet little book about what happens with both the Tooth Fairy and El Raton Pérez both try to claim a tooth under a Mexican-American boy’s pillow.

Cover of the children's book The Tooth Fairy Meets El Raton Perez (Tooth Fairy Traditions From Around The World | Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist Lynda Lantz Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

Le Petite Souris

Children in France have a similar tradition. French children leave their lost teeth under their pillow for a mouse who goes by the name of Le Petite Souris. This little mouse has the same job–he takes the tooth and leaves some money in its place. The Tooth Mouse by Susan Hood is another fun read about this French tooth fairy tradition.

Cover of the children's book The Tooth Mouse (Tooth Fairy Traditions From Around The World | Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist Lynda Lantz Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

Tooth on the Roof

Instead of putting a lost tooth under their pillow, children in some countries throw their teeth! In some countries in the Middle East, children throw their baby teeth at the sun. Children in Indonesia throw their lost baby tooth over their shoulder and hope to throw it over the roof of their house. And in some countries–including Korea, Greece, India, Taiwan, Botswana, Sri Lanka, and Haiti–children throw their lost teeth onto the roof. So interesting, right?! Throw Your Tooth on the Roof by Selby B. Beeler is a delightful and educational read about these and other tooth traditions from around the world.

Cover of Throw Your Tooth on the Roof (Tooth Fairy Traditions From Around The World | Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist Lynda Lantz Contributor Miami Mom Collective)

Baby Teeth Are Important!

No matter what you do with those lost baby teeth, they have a really important job. They help our little ones chew properly, and allow space for the permanent teeth when they’re ready to come in. They also contribute to speech development by facilitating the development of oral muscles. So in addition to commemorating the loss of each one, it’s vital to take good care of them–even before they erupt. Check out this post for tips on how to establish an oral hygiene routine for your infant so that those beautiful baby teeth are as healthy as possible.

Don’t Delay, Call Today

Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist is a full-service boutique practice located in South Miami. Dr. Bob and his team offer a wide range of services–from infant exams, preventive care, and x-rays to specialized dentistry–for children and adolescents with a variety of special healthcare needs. They are committed to making your child’s routine visits to the dentist as pleasant and pain-free as possible. And they even make them fun!

Don’t put those dental appointments off any longer. Dr. Bob follows the strictest protocols for cleanliness and has incorporated increased safety protocols to ensure your child(ren)’s safety and your peace of mind. Call the office at 305-397-8214 or click here to schedule an appointment today. You’ll be glad you did!

What do you and your family do when your child losses a tooth? Tell us about your tooth traditions in the comments below!