"Hobbies? I'm a MOM... my hobbies include going to the bathroom alone and scraping crayons off the walls." You've probably heard some version of this joke and laughed wryly.  New mothers often put aside hobbies and activities that bring them...
Authored by Dr. Melissa Alfonso Sedeño Does my child need braces? Do I need braces? Could my smile be improved with Invisalign? These are some of the questions you might ask yourself. A straight and properly aligned smile and bite...
Who is more spoiled with outdoor activities and sunny weather than us Floridians? Options like riding bikes through our beautiful parks, visiting our favorite mouse, and relishing our captivating beaches are just some of the stops available to us. If...
How many of you have been counting the stars from your window, floating in your inflatable pools, and daydreaming about your next vacation? Finding relaxation and peace has become a “hot” commodity that can only be found in our...
Con tantas playas hermosas en la Florida, es difícil decidir a cuál ir de vacaciones este verano. Pero si tienes hijos que aman la vida marina tanto como los míos, te recomiendo que empieces a planificar tu viaje en auto...
Yo siempre cuento que una vez que nació mi hija, algo se despertó en mí. Una versión de quien yo ya era pero que estaba dormida, una parte de mí con la que necesitaba reconectarme. Esta “version mejorada” de...
Miami Moms Blog invites you to our 2nd Birthday {Virtual} Bash Presented by: Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist  Tuesday, July 21, 2020 8-10PM EST LIVE ON ZOOM: From The Comfort of Your Home! {Masks Optional} BUY TICKETS The annual Miami Moms Blog week long Birthday Bash celebration includes:  Social...
This post is sponsored by Baptist Health South Florida. As mothers, we understand that being pregnant during COVID-19 can evoke anxiety. At Miami Moms Blog, our aim is to encourage, equip, and empower local Moms with relevant resources and a...
Click here to read the English language version of this post. Imagínate que saltas de un avión y caes hacia nuestra amada madre Tierra  Tu cuerpo físico está en caída libre, pero tu mente alcanzó el escurridizo estado de flujo. Un...
After being quarantined for about three months, we have started to see some "back to normal” during the past few weeks. I have to be completely honest, I still kind of keep my family at home. My kids do...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...